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Soyoung's mind was racing with questions. What was Lorenzo doing at Seonghwa's club? Did he really not recognise her or was it some kind of revenge? Feeling overwhelmed, she punched the tiled wall of the bathroom stall, bruising her knuckles. Suddenly, she heard someone open the bathroom door, she followed the sound of the heavy footsteps as they stopped in front of her stall. "Hello?" She called.

Silence. She stood up off the toilet and walked closer to the door, as if waiting for the right time, the door slammed open smacking Soyoung in the face. Her vision became blurry and her nose started to bleed. In the matter of a second, she felt a strong hold on her neck so she could barely breathe, just enough to trick her into thinking she was suffocating. She knew this move.

After several moments her vision began to clear, She was staring at the face of her old enemy. "I'm sorry, I forgot to catch your name." Lorenzo said, with loath written all over his face. "Oh wait, how could I forget the one and only Yoon Soyoung. I've heard a lot about you the past few years, we all thought you were dead but then poof. Incomes one of the Angel twins." He chuckled, sarcastically.

"What do you want from me lorenzo?" She replied, her throat slowly closing up.

"Don't you get it? You ruined my life! You and that stupid brother of yours." The mention of him made Soyoung's blood boil. But instead of fighting back, her mind slipped away to the memories she tried so despereatly to forget.

It was 8 years, previously. Soyoung was only 15, and lorenzo was 17. Lorenzo and his family had travelled to Korea to do business. Although the pair had been friends since they were young, They only saw eachother 5-6 times a year so whenever they met they would make the most of it.

Unfortunatley, she had destroyed their friendship. The pair was with Soyoung's twin brother and Lorenzo's cousin. All four of them played for hours on the beach.

Everything was perfect until she had gotten into a fight with Lena (Lorenzo's cousin). It was so intense that Soyoung ended up beating her to death. Lena was her first kill, yet she didn't feel any empathy.

She just stood there as Lorenzo went to aid his cousin. Soyoung ended up running to her parents and blaming tho whole thing on Lorenzo. That had resulted in his father lashing out on him, he defended himself but his father found it hard to believe that a small 15 year old girl could kill her. Lorenzo had lost all rights to his father's empire and it was all given to his younger brother, Ambrose.

After the Morreti's had left, Soyoung's parents had confronted her and her brother about what had happened. They knew. She tried to lie but it was impossible, and then they did what any child's worst nightmare is. Soyoung got sent away again.

Her conscience was finally, brought back to the present when she heard two mens voices outside the bathroom. "I wonder..." Soyoung said, smirking "How is Ambrose doing? I heard he's made your father proud." It was as if all light had left Lorenzo's face. He clenched his fist tighter anround her neck, she began choking.

Thankful for the slit in her dress, her hand searched her thigh for the gun holder. Suddenly, she brought the gun up to the side of his stomach and said "I'm still not sorry that she's dead. That's what happens when you insult my family." and pulled the trigger.

All colour drained from his face, As if watching his soul leave his body. His eyes widened, almost coming out of his head. At last, his body fell to the floor, his eyes still open. Soyoung sank to her knees while gasping for air, coughing and clasping her throat. She tried to talk and get the attention of the people outside but her whole body burned and her eyes filled with tears. She could still feel Lorenzo's grip around her neck.

Momentarily, she managed to use the support of a sink to help herself stand up. As she took several deep breaths, Soyoung splashed cold water on her face to bring her consciousness back to reality.

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