Twenty seven

701 28 0

I stood in the kitchen, watching the microwave turn, waiting for my instant dinner to cook. "I could have just gotten you take-out, you know." Jungkook intercepted. I ignored him without moving a muscle. "I know you're mad at us but it doesn't mean you have to ignore us."

Finally I stood up and faced him. "I'm not gonna talk to any of you until you release Seonghwa."

"You really like him, huh?" He said, leaning back on the counter. 
I did the same while crossing my arms and lowering my head, refusing to entertain him. "Wow. So she really does have have feelings. I thought you refused to stop feeling things since Min..."

I cut him off "don't say another word."

Beep beep. My food was finished. As I was taking it out, Jungkook swatted my hands away and took it out himself but ended up dropping it due to the heat. He was blowing his hands meanwhile I stared at my now inedible food. "Soyoung..." he began.

I just exited the kitchen, ignoring him and slumped myself into the couch next to Jin once I reached the living room. "Do you ever smile?" He asked.

Before I could answer the living room began to fill with familiar faces. I sat up when I saw my old friends. It was seventeen. I ran up to them and hugged them individually but when I approached Mingyu I just smiled and moved on. "I can't believe you're alive." Hoshi said.

"Why didn't you come and see us?" Dokyeom pouted.

I patted his head, my smile refusing to leave. It felt so good to see them. "Thank you guys for helping us." I said.

"Anything for Angel number 2" Seungcheol teased.

Seungkwan then a approached me and started rubbing my stomach "how's the little one?"

"Little ones" I corrected "and they're a pain in the ass already."  I could sense the discomfort in Mingyu's face so I changed the subject "have you been over the plan?"

"Are you sure there is enough of us?" Joshua asked.

I nodded "the CAU are amateurs. Besides it's usually pretty empty this time of night."

Once Jeonghan joined us, the journey started. I had changed into some black clothes that I burrowed from Jungkook and stocked up on weapons.

While we walked through the remains of the hospital, the familiar dread filled me for the last time. We all managed to fit into the large elevator. We prepared our weapons, some had their specialised ones. Wonwoo had a metal baseball bat, Minghao had nunchucks and Jun had throwing stars meanwhile the rest of us stuck with guns, knives and our fists. Once the doors opened, We all stood in combat formation. The agents at their desks sat up in panic and the interns scattered away. Everyone charged forward while agents defended themselves. My first obstacle was was a larger male. He swung his fist in my direction but I dodged it by crouching down, I then swung my leg under his, causing him to trip, although he remained steady. He pulled me up by my hair and held my throat so I used my free hands to twist his wrist and head butting him. His eyes became unfocused and remained like that until I cocked him on his head with the butt of my gun. It didn't stop there. I was approached by another, this time his fist managed to come in contact with my cheek, I quickly mirrored his actions and forced him in a headlock, suffocating him, as soon as he fell to the floor I searched my surroundings and studied the other members. Vernon had a man on the floor, beating him to a pulp. Wonwoo's bat was swinging back and forth into heads and stomachs. The Chinese line were using their martial arts skills wisely meanwhile Dino and Woozi teamed up against 4 others. I got distracted by Jeonghan grabbing my wrist. "We need to find Ko."

I nodded and sprinted down the long halls, my brother following behind. I suddenly stopped when I spotted a petite, spiteful figure. Kyungmin stared at us with wide eyes and her mouth wide open as she clasped a set of files to her chest. I walked up to her with a smirk planted on my face. I had waited for this moment for years. "S-Soyoung... what are you doing here?" She stuttered.

"This is my workplace." I said sarcastically while pouting. "I'm just paying my boss a nice visit."

Her attention wasn't on me, it was on Jeonghan. "Now I know why you're called angels." She murmured, loud enough for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes and knocked her out with the butt of my gun. "Actually it's because we were born on October 4th and 1004 translates to Angel." I corrected before gesturing my brother to follow me.

"Is this it?" Jeonghan asked as we reached the vast double doors that I once hated walking through but this time I was the one in charge.

He kicked the door open, startling the enemy inside who was then sitting at his desk although he now stood up, fear painted across his face. "Jeonghan?" He gasped.

"Never seen an Angel before?" He teased before storming up to him and grabbing his shirt.

I slowly walked up to them. "You sent me on that mission for your own personal use." I said. "All because of a petty vendetta. You were prepared to get me killed."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He slurred.

Jeonghan pulled his hair. "We know Mr Park killed your father while you watched."

Mr Ko began laughing like a crazed man. Me and my brother made eye contact for a second before paying close attention to our victim. "I should have known you would have found out but it seems you've found more than that." He said, looking at Jeonghan.

My brother rugged him about before pulling him over the desk and slamming his body onto the ground. He swiftly flung a blade out from his pocket and held it up to Ko's neck. "You killed our father. You made me believe my mother and sister was dead. You turned Soyoung into a slave who did your dirty work because you were too scared to do it yourself."

"You're right. I did. You don't know how precious you all were to us back then. A whole family of ruthless killers, they raised you to be the best." He stared at me. "They shipped you off to receive intense training where they gave you injections that make you hallucinate your worse fears." He chuckled "I needed your family on my side. Especially since it was you who killed Mr Park's youngest son. It was the best revenge."

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