#1 - Aftermath (Aruma Todoroki & Kazuomi Samejima)

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Characters: Aruma Todoroki, Kazuomi Samejima

Pairing: Aruma Todoroki & Kazoumi Samejima

Time Period: Re:Birth, after 1st trial

Prompt: Holding their hands when they are shaking.



The remaining students watched as the screen showing Maiko Kagura's execution turned off. She was executed for killing Saiji Rokudou and had died from bleeding out, and all of it was shown to the surviving students. Unfortunately, Monodora had made it very clear that this would not be the last gory execution they would see.

As the monochrome headmaster left, friends started to drift towards each other while the loners headed to the elevator. Those who stayed clung to each other as if they would be executed too.

A pair of such students were Aruma and Kazuomi. "Oh, good god. Why the hell did this happen?" Kazuomi was barely able to keep his voice steady.

Aruma looked down, noticing that his hands were trembling. "Oh? What's this?" She took his hands in hers, sandwiching them and holding them up.

"Wh-What the fuck are you doing?!" Kazuomi tried to pull his hands back, but Aruma wasn't having any of it. She kept a firm grip on his hands and wouldn't let them go.

"Kazuomi, cheri, please calm down. I'm only comforting you, after all." The animal trainer assured.

"This is..." He trailed off, unsure of how to respond to that. "Uh, thank you."

"It is my pleasure." Aruma purred. Kazuomi's fingers figured in her hold.

"Uh, now that you've comforted me, you mind letting me go?"

She released his hands. "Of course. We should probably go to the elevator now."

"Uh, right. Yeah, let's do that." He scratched the back of his head nervously. She giggled before taking his arm in hers and leading him to the elevator.


Art credit: makotoniijimaa on instagram (technically I screenshotted part of their edit, but it still counts, right?)

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