#43 - Shopping (Hajime Hinata x Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Kazuichi Soda)

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Characters: Hajime Hinata, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Kazuichi Soda

Pairing: Hajime Hinata x Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Kazuichi Soda

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.



It was unknown why Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko kept hanging out with a random Reserve Course student, but it might have to do with the fact that he was a very good counsellor.

Regardless, the three of them became 'soul brothers' (as Kazuichi called it), though they seemed much closer than that. They were even close enough to head to the mall together to plan a party.

"Is Miss Sonia gonna like this? Oh god, she's gonna hate it! It's not gonna be good enough for her!" Kazuichi worried, holding the sides of his head in a panic. The shopping bags he carried hung off the insides of his elbows.

Fuyuhiko slapped the whimpering mechanic's arm. "Shut up, will you? You know she'll be happy no matter what she gets."

Behind both of them, Hajime was stuck carrying the heavy bags and boxes they couldn't carry. "Hey guys, are you planning to go to another store or are we gonna put these in the car?" He asked exasperatedly.

The yakuza laughed at his remark. "Yeah, we're finished. Let's go back to the car. The sooner we get out of this hellhole, the better. Come on." Fuyuhiko grabbed Kazuichi by the arm and began pulling him to the exit, knowing that Hajime would follow without prompting.

The three of them went back to Fuyuhiko's car and loaded their purchased gifts into the back seat, as well as Kazuichi. Because Hajime kept the other two sane, he was immediately given shotgun privileges while Fuyuhiko drove.

"Sorry for making you carry everything." Fuyuhiko spoke, pulling onto the main road that would take them to Hope's Peak Academy. "I honestly don't know how you put up with us."

"No need to apologize, I'm just happy to be here." Hajime chuckled. "At least you guys treat me like I'm worth something."

"Whaaat? You're an awesome person! Who in their right mind would treat someone like you like trash?" Kazuichi remarked.

The Reserve Course student merely shook his head. "You guys would honestly be surprised." He sighed.

Fuyuhiko made a mental note to ask his sister to get the names of anybody that would bully Hajime so that he could give them some 'gentle persuasion' to not to. He knew Natsumi would help him because she seemed to get along with Hajime well.

"Anyways, this party is gonna be a blast!" Kazuichi exclaimed, completely disregarding his worrying from earlier. "Miss Sonia is gonna be so happy! Oh, and we gotta bring Hajime too!"

Hajime smiled, idly looking out the window. "Yeah, I can't wait."


Art credit: 3563300 on pixiv 

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