#19 - Fruit (Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota x Kokichi Oma)

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Characters: Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Kokichi Oma

Pairing: Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota x Kokichi Oma

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Dangan Salmon Team

Prompt: Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.


It wasn't unusual for Shuichi and Kaito to be training at night, sometimes with Maki. They have been doing it for so long that nobody bats an eye when they go outside at only-god-knows-o'clock. Not even Kirumi, who makes sure everybody gets their proper rest, disturbs them.

However, it was unusual for Kokichi to join them.

Tonight, the purple gremlin came outside with a full plate. He practically skipped along the path until he found his boyfriends training together. "Hey! I brought food!" He called over, immediately getting their attention.

"Oh, hey! Perfect timing!" Kaito called back, sitting up and crossing his legs after doing plenty of sit-ups. On the other hand, Shuichi just fell back onto the grass, exhausted beyond belief. Kaito noticed this and gently prodded him with his hand. "Come on! Get up, Shuichi!" He laughed.

"Y-Yeah, hold on..." With a great amount of effort, Shuichi managed to sit up again.

"Wow! That's our 'strong' detective!" Kokichi exclaimed, sitting down and putting the plate between all of them. "Look, I brought strawberries! Fresh from the kitchen, definitely not poisoned, and I cut them all by myself. Go on, try them!" He encouraged.

Shuichi and Kaito looked at each other hesitantly, courtesy of the last comment, before taking one each and putting them into their mouths. Upon closer 'inspection', Shuichi thankfully couldn't taste any poison. "Thanks, Kokichi." He smiled at his smaller boyfriend.

The supreme leader put his arms behind his head and smiled widely. "Nishishi! Anything for my dear idiots! Especially Kaito, so I made sure I chose strawberries!"

"Oh, thanks!" Kaito beamed and kept eating. Until he caught the insult. "HEY! What do you mean by that?!" He yelled as Kokichi giggled madly.

That night's training ended with Kaito chasing Kokichi all around the area while Shuichi just face palmed at their antics. He loved his boyfriends, but they could be such idiots sometimes.


Art credit: ask-saioumota on tumblr 

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