#13 - Braids (Kyoko Kirigiri x Sayaka Maizono)

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Characters: Kyoko Kirigiri, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenburg

Pairing: Kyoko Kirigiri x Sayaka Maizono

Time Period: Trigger Happy Havoc, School Mode

Prompt: Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.


The rec room was usually empty most days, but today was one of the few days when it was occupied. Celeste had decided to challenge Kyoko to a game of poker with Monocoins, and Sayaka had tagged along.

Currently, Celeste was winning the game and Kyoko was beginning to get annoyed. "So, are you ready to fold?" Celeste taunted, watching Kyoko analyze her cards.

Popping out from behind the couch Kyoko was on, Sayaka held a few hair ties in her hand. "I'm not!" She cheerfully exclaimed. Kyoko did not react, only moving a few Monocoins onto the table.

"Oh, I wonder what you're going to do to her hair?" Celeste mirrored the detective's actions, but added a few more. Kyoko silently added more to her pile to match Celeste's.

"Well..." Sayaka began, taking a few purple locks and playing with them. "I think I'm gonna braid it. Yeah, braids are gonna look so good in her hair!" She sat down beside Kyoko and took some more pieces of hair. As Kyoko put her cards down and won the round, Sayaka kept braiding her girlfriend's hair.

By the end of the game, Celeste claiming the win, Sayaka had used the multiple braids she made and tied Kyoko's hair up in a bun. All in all, it was a fun day.


Art credit: ministarfruit on tumblr 

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