#21 - Umbrella (Syobai Hashimoto & Iroha Nijiue)

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Characters: Syobai Hashimoto, Iroha Nijiue

Pairing: Syobai Hashimoto & Iroha Nijiue

Time Period: Post-Super Danganronpa Another 2

Prompt: Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.



It had been a year since Syobai and Iroha broke out from the prison. The two of them had been on the run ever since, trying to keep evading the cops. The two of them got back into Syobai's normal broking business, as evading the cops was a necessity in that job anyway.

Today, their job was to bring opium to a florist that lived near the coast. They had succeeded in completing the job, though Syobai asked for a single flower as extra payment for the 'amount of cops' (there was only one and he didn't even spare them a glance, but Syobai got the flower anyways). Next, Syobai walked to an obscure alleyway near an abandoned research lab. Of course, Iroha had followed him.

"Um, why are we here? I thought this was our only job today..." The artist asked, looking up at the broker.

Syobai sighed and held the flower out. "It's a something-year anniversary of my biggest goddamn mistake. I really didn't care before, but I guess I have to now. Considering where it got us, that job was more trouble than it was worth." He tossed the flower at the wall, watching it fall haphazardly to the ground. "I really shouldn't be doing this, you bastard. Your AI almost killed us all." He spat.

"Wait, AI?" Iroha asked, getting flashbacks to a year ago in the simulation. More specifically, her execution and the revelations of the final class trial.

Suddenly, small water droplets began to fall from the sky. Syobai looked up and realized that it was going to rain hard. "Yeah, send divine punishment or whatever. I'm not taking back what I said." The broker scoffed.

Iroha looked around, seeing something lying next to the wall. Walking towards it revealed that it was an umbrella. "Yay! Syobai, look!" She grabbed it and scampered towards him, holding it up with pride.

Syobai rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm before taking it from her and opening it up. "Rest in peace, and all that crap. At least, people would probably say that. In my opinion, get fucked. Come on, bubblehead, let's go." Syobai grabbed Iroha's hand and dragged her away from the alley, holding the umbrella over both of them. Iroha didn't understand what just happened, but she was happy to be safe and dry under the umbrella.


Art credit: whendan_3 on twitter

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