#44 - Traffic (Hajime Makunouchi x Shinji Kasai)

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Characters: Hajime Makunouchi, Shinji Kasai

Pairing: Hajime Makunouchi x Shinji Kasai, Sora x Yoruko Kabuya

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan (though I think I might reuse this drabble for A Farewell to All Futures? maybe)

Prompt: Standing between them and a busy road.


Every morning, Shinji and Hajime would skip their classes to go on their daily morning jog, which went around the school and then through a park off-campus. There, they would usually do ground training like push-ups, sit-ups, and stretching to avoid cramps.

On their walk back, they had to walk alongside a road that was teeming with traffic, a result of some Ultimates skipping their classes, the Reserve Department getting to theirs, and journalists and photographers trying to get glimpses of the world's hopes enjoying their daily life.

"So, did you go to Setsuka's party last night?" Shinji asked, walking on the part of the sidewalk that was closest to the road.

Hajime sighed from beside him, shaking his head. "I had to go to Coach Nekomaru's practice lesson, but I got pictures from Emma. Did Sora and Yoruko really make out?"

"Yeah, Yoruko was so drunk that she just crashed into Sora and started kissing her!" Shinji laughed. "And Mikado was doing karaoke!"

"Oh boy, I bet Hibiki was giving him the death glare all throughout." Hajime chuckled, already picturing the scene.

Shinji shook his head with a snort. "No, she's the one who put him up to it! And he was drunk enough to agree!"

"Good god..." The boxer sighed, imagining the carnage from the last time they got Mikado drunk. "Alcohol and Mikado don't seem to get along well, do they? Did he lose control of his magic again?"

"No, actually! I think Nikei has a video of the whole thing. Knowing him, the party's gonna be right on the front page of the newspaper." Shinji predicted. "Well, after he gets over his terrible hangover and starts writing."

Hajime felt himself immediately grow concerned for the journalist's wellbeing. "How much did he drink?"

"Um, you see, he got in a drinking contest with Kanade...and lost..." The firefighter cringed, knowing that the guitarist's high tolerance for alcohol couldn't be rivalled by anyone. "I think he might've gotten drunk halfway through..."

Hajime felt his eyes turn a bright crimson behind his shades, an addition that he got from his Fortune. "Alright, who drank a lot last night? I'm gonna visit them and make sure that they don't need a hospital. They are ALL in big trouble." He growled.

Shinji snickered, already pitying the poor drunks. "Alright, so there's Sora, Kanade, Yoruko, Mikado, Setsuka, Nikei, Emma, and Yuri." He left himself out in hopes that he wouldn't get a scolding like the others.

"Alright, I'm heading to the dorms. I'll catch ya later." Hajime began sprinting towards the dorms while Shinji waited for him to be out of earshot before sighing audibly. Those people were in for the lecture of their lives, that's for sure.


Art credit: magorobirose on instagram

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