#14 - Karaoke (Akira Tsuchiya x Mitsunari Koga)

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Characters: Akira Tsuchiya, Mitsunari Koga

Pairing: Akira Tsuchiya x Mitsunari Koga

Time Period: Re:Birth, School Mode

Prompt: Singing and dancing to their favorite song.


"The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now~"

It was karaoke night at Kaiho Academy, and multiple students had gone up on the mic while others danced below the stage. After the fifteen minute break it took to repair the microphone due to Kazuomi's singing, Akira had volunteered to go next at the urging of his boyfriend.

"My universe will never be the same~"

Akira had heard Mitsunari listen to this song multiple times, even hearing him hum it occasionally, so he had decided to learn the song so he could go up on that stage and impress his boyfriend. Hell, he might get extra cuddles out of it!

"I'm glad you came~" The song ended there, and Akira earned a thunder of applause. Nobody had really expected Akira to be a good singer due to how reclusive he was, and they were pleasantly surprised when he began to sing.

When he came down from the stage, he was pulled into his boyfriend's arms by Shika and Uma. "Heh, I guess I did good." Akira chuckled.

"Of course you did! Without a doubt!" Shika spoke up.

"Yeah, everyone was rooting for you the entire time! Even Daddy was!" Uma chimed in.

Akira laughed before pulling Mitsunari by his elbow. "Come on. Let's go get some snacks."


Art credit: Shuichi.. on amino

Song I used: Glad You Came by The Wanted

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