#3 - Surprise Visit (Maiko Kagura x Nico Himuro)

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Characters: Maiko Kagura, Nico Himuro, Narumi Osone

Pairing: Maiko Kagura x Nico Himuro

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Traveling long distances just to see them.


Maiko stepped out of the car, walking up to the Ultimate Poet's house from the driveway. She knocked at the door three times before politely waiting for it to open. However, she was internally squealing like a child for this moment.

Nico opened the door, peeking out from behind it. "Who- Who is it?" She quietly asked.

Maiko wasted no time in pushing the door back and tacking her girlfriend. "Nico! Hi!" She chirped as they crashed onto the floor.

"Ow..." Nico moaned, holding the back of her head with one of her hands and trying to prop herself up with the other. "Why must Nico always be greeted like this...?"

"Oh, sorry Nico!" Maiko quickly stood up, pulling the poet up with her. "We should go get an ice pack for you!" She immediately put Nico into a bridal style carry and raced to the kitchen. Behind her, Nico's roommate Narumi giggled and closed the door behind them.

Nico's face began to turn a light shade of pink. She sighed, a smile present on her face. "Well, if seeing you again always involves this...then Nico Himuro will suffer so."

"Jeez, guys! Get a room or something!" Narumi yelled over to them. Nico's face turned to a dark shade of pink as the Ultimate Poet somehow lost the ability to speak properly. 

"You can really only say that when you've got a lover yourself, you know!" Maiko called back, almost blushing as much as Nico was. As they heard Narumi shout curses behind them, the dancer put the poet down and they began looking for an ice pack.


Art credit: celebing.loobrick.moved on instagram

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