#22 - Lament (Nikei Yomiuri x Mikado Sannoji)

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Characters: Nikei Yomiuri, Mikado Sannoji, Shinji Kasai, Yuki Maeda, Hajime Makunouchi, Setsuka Chiebukuro

Pairing: Nikei Yomiuri x Mikado Sannoji

Time Period: Super Danganronpa Another 2, chapter 1

Prompt: Listening to them while they vent.



After the three girls managed to unlock the door and leave, the guys in the bathhouse were left stunned. "Alright then..." Nikei began, settling back into the water.

"So, what I got from that was that Setsuka pranked them." Hajime assumed, grabbing another towel to dry his upper body.

"Let's hope that they obey the 'no violence' rule. Or just don't kill her yet. I don't really feel like doing a trial right now." Mikado sighed. Nikei noticed that he was still hanging onto the rubber duck and raised an eyebrow.

The guys stayed in the bathhouse for a while, but they eventually had to leave. "I'm glad that we all spent some time bonding! I knew this would work out!" Shinji grinned.

"E-Even though Mikado showed up and the girls came in..." Yuki protested.

He was cut off by the firefighter. "No need to worry about details! Come on, let's go get dressed." Shinji led his little bro out of the bathing area and left the other three behind.

Hajime sighed. "Well, I better finish up. I have to go check on Iroha; make sure she hasn't fallen off a cliff or anything." And with that, he left his fellow Void members behind.

Now it was just Nikei and Mikado, both sitting in the bath. After looking around and listening to ensure that nobody was around, Nikei went over to Mikado's side of the tub and nestled himself onto the wizard's legs. His back was pressed against Mikado's chest, and the wizard wrapped his arms around him. "So, you basically showed up at the male bonding session because you were lonely?" Nikei asked. He adjusted the towel still around his waist to a more comfortable position.

Mikado relaxed his shoulders and looked downcast, letting go of the rubber duck. "Even though I'm the mastermind of this killing school trip, I'm being so callously ignored. They weren't even supposed to know I was the mastermind! I was supposed to play the heroic type, but those Kisaragi Foundation members ruined that. Damn it all..." The wizard vented, holding the journalist a bit tighter.

Nikei listened on in silence. "Well, I'M not ignoring you, so don't forget about that. Hell, the other Voids aren't ignoring you either. Though they don't even know about..." He trailed off, knowing that Mikado would know where he was going.

"Ah, as long as nobody catches us, we'll be fine. Right now, I can assure you that there is nobody around hearing this. Otherwise, my magic would detect their energy." Mikado began to smile once again. Well, his mask did anyway, before it returned to a pout. "Anyways, you and the others have to blend in with the participants and pretend to hate me! I know it's just pretending, but I do wish sometimes that I could have fun with our classmates as well!"

"Well...I'll think of something. Don't worry about it, okay? There's always a way." The journalist reassured. He watched as the wizard made an unsure expression before sighing again.

"I suppose there is. Now, could you please get off me? I have duties I need to attend to." Mikado removed his arms from around him and pushed against his back, trying to move him.

Nikei was having none of that. He reached behind him and forcibly pulled Mikado's arms back around himself. "You can do that later. For now, don't you want attention? Cuddle me, you brat." He demanded. He heard Mikado laugh at that and felt him stop trying to pull away. Instead, the wizard held him closer against his chest as if he were a stuffed toy.


A couple days later, Nikei got a text from Setsuka.

Setsuka Chiebukuro: Hey Nikei!

Setsuka Chiebukuro: I'm thinking of getting everybody into a party soon, but I don't know who to ask. Help?

Nikei thought for a bit until an idea came his mind.

Nikei Yomiuri: How about you get mikado? He can make the food

With this suggestion, he would kill three birds with one stone. On one hand, this party could make the atmosphere bright again by helping his classmates out. And on the other, this could also help with Mikado's loneliness problem. And the party could help the first case they have to reenact play out.

As long as nobody knew about the relationship between the old leader of Void and the new one, everything was going to plan in his book.


Art credit: timeguard on tumblr

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