#32 - Anime Night (Kaede Akamatsu x Shuichi Saihara)

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Characters: V3 Ensemble

Pairing: Kaede Akamatsu x Shuichi Saihara, Tsumugi Shirogane x Kirumi Tojo, Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira x Himiko Yumeno x Angie Yonaga, Ryoma Hoshi x Gonta Gokuhara

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Gofer Project Au

Prompt: Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.



"Alright guys, let's start the show!" Tsumugi cheered, grabbing the remote and occupying Kirumi's lap. The maid shifted her legs to allow the girl to adjust herself while everybody else settled into their seats.

Four years ago, the Gofer Project had gone off without a hitch and the students were sent into space, though they were meant to stay awake only until everybody had reached the age of 25. When the time comes, they would have to be put into cold sleep until they reached a habitable planet, which would probably be in a few hundred years.

As of now, the students had grown closer together over the time they had spent together. Many couples had gotten together, many solar sisters were discovered m and many group events were had. One such group event was Anime Night, which happened every Saturday. They kept track of the date on their students handbooks, preprogrammed up until the year 10000.

Tonight's anime binge watch was Pokemon, though they only planned to watch up until the last episode of season five so that they could continue watching more on their next Anime Night.

"Sooo, is Ash still gonna use the wrong types of Pokemon against his opponents or what?" Kokichi remarked.

"Can you shut up?! We're trying the watch the show!" Kaito interrupted.

"You're the one that needs to shut up..." Maki grumbled from beside him.

"Ah! Please don't fight!" Gonta whisper-cried. "Gonta don't want arguments between friends!"

"Oh my god. All you degenerates need to shut up already!" Tenko shouted exasperatedly. On each side of her, Himiko winced and Angie slapped her on the arm in warning. Tenko quickly muttered an apology.

Rantaro stood up at the back and headed towards the door. "Since Kirumi's...occupied, I'll go get us some snacks."

"How on earth did we forget the goddamn snacks?!" Miu exclaimed.

Korekiyo laughed quietly. "It is in human nature to forget so easily. You should know that more than anyone." He mused. Miu whirled around to glare at him before being tugged back by Kirumi.

Meanwhile, Kaede sat beside Shuichi, leaning onto his shoulder. She had left her backpack in her room, opting to wear Shuichi's jacket instead. "They always get like this..." Kaede sighed, watching her friends bicker.

Shuichi put an arm around Kaede. "I guess they still got a ways to go." He smiled.

"Hmph, stealing my line, huh?" Ryoma chuckled from his position on Gonta's lap. "Don't worry, I'm not going to sue you over it."

"Well, you still agree, right?" The detective joked. He heard Kaede giggle from beside him, her laugh sounding like the purest thing in this galaxy. And probably the next one as well.

"Just watch the show, will you?" She asked jokingly, pulling on Shuichi's shirt. "We don't need to add to the bickering!"

"According to my calculations though, nobody seems to be watching the anime..." Keebo observed, dampening the pair's mood.

"Your calculations are incorrect." Kirumi cut in, gesturing to the rest of the class. "We are all watching the anime."

Kaede looked over at Shuichi and cuddled closer as he squeezed her briefly with his arm. They might be a class with unique personalities, but at least they were together.


Art credit: patchymoon on twitter

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