#38 - Cold (Sora x Yuki Maeda)

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Characters: Sora, Yuki Maeda, Yoruko Kabuya, Shinji Kasai, Iroha Nijiue, Mikado Sannoji, Nikei Yomiuri

Pairing: Sora x Yuki Maeda

Time Period: Super Danganronpa Another 2, Chapter 4

Prompt: Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.



While they were trapped in the break room, a sudden chill had mysteriously entered the Tower of Babel overnight. The survivors still inside had to rely on heat packs to not freeze to death.

"Here, Shinji." Yoruko passed him a couple of heat packs, receiving his thanks in return.

He kept one for himself, giving the other to Iroha. "I still don't get why you're helping Mikado, but you should have this." He stated.

Iroha was busy draping her shawl over Mikado's trembling legs. "Th-Thanks!" She chirped, though she was freezing herself.

"I-I s-s-swear, as soon as I g-g-get Teruya..." Mikado trailed off, grumbling through his shivering. Though Teruya stripped him to his underwear and the tower was freezing now, he still had faith that his plan would still work in the end.

Nikei scowled to himself as he watched the wizard. Soon, he told himself. Soon, the mastermind's plans would fail and he would get his revenge.

Over by the books, Yuki walked over to Sora. "Any progress?" He asked.

Sora sadly shook her head. "We'll find some eventually. They have to be around here somewhere." She reassured.

Yuki sighed internally. At this rate, they'd find nothing of use before they died.

"Hey, Yuki. Did you take a heat pack?" Sora asked. "You seem a bit colder than usual."

"Yeah, it's just under my uniform. I thought that it would be best to at least keep my organs from freezing over for the time being." Yuki replied.

Sora hummed in response. "Why don't you put your hands under my shirt for now?"

"Huh?!" Yuki exclaimed. "Won't that just make you colder?"

"That's fine, just warm yourself." Sora grabbed his hands and put them on her hips under her shirt. She hissed at how cold they were, but held them there even as Yuki tried to pull them off. When Sora evened her breathing, she smiled reassuringly at the ginger. "See? It's completely fine."

Yuki felt a pang of concern in his chest as Sora released his hands and continued searching through the books in the breakroom, deciding to help by voicing his input.

As they conversed, Nikei watched from the other side of the room. He felt somewhat bad for what was going to happen to Yuki, but it had to be done. He had to stop Mikado, no matter what.


Art credit: DRA_Too9 on twitter

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