#20 - Shower (Hikaru Tsuchiya x Shiori Yodogawa)

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Characters: Hikaru Tsuchiya, Shiori Yodogawa

Pairing: Hikaru Tsuchiya x Shiori Yodogawa

Time Period: Birth:Right, school mode

Prompt: Washing their back/hair in the shower.


"Come on, Hakaru, you have to clean yourself eventually!" Shiori walked over to the bathroom, her NEET girlfriend tossed over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

"What does it matter? I don't go out anyway..." Hikaru dryly protested. Shiori ignored her and kept going into the bathroom. "You could've at least ASKED me to shower, not carry me around."

"Well, I want to make sure you actually get clean for once. I really don't want Mr. Itsuki to get on your case again about the smell." The novelist argued, setting Hikaru down next to the shower. "I'm going to get some clean clothes for us." She said, quickly leaving the bathroom.

"Mikado? Pfft, screw him." Hikaru then processed Shiori's next words. "Wait, for US?" She turned to the door, where her girlfriend had come back with two sets of clothes.

"Yep. As I said, I want to make sure you actually get washed. That means I'm joining you." The novelist said matter of factly. Hikaru swore that she could feel her heart skip a beat.

"That...really isn't necessary, you know." The NEET tried to hide her blushing under her scarf, but Shiori lifted it up over her head and put it in the pile of dirty laundry. Reluctantly, Hikaru turned away from Shiori and took off the rest of her clothes. When she turned back around, Shiori had done the same.

Shiori walked around the blushing mess that was Hikaru and turned on the shower. After waiting for it to be warm, she turned back to her girlfriend. "So, are you going in?" She asked. Hikaru didn't even register the question, she was blushing too hard. Shiori sighed and opted to pick her up and carry her into the shower.

Only when the warm water hit her did Hikaru snap back to reality. She stiffened at the sudden feeling before being put down. "You should warn someone when you're doing that." She muttered, looking away from the novelist.

"Ah, my apologies." Shiori chuckled. "How about I wash your hair? It might at least look a little cleaner if I do it."

Hikaru sighed. "Fine. Just be gentle, okay?" Picking up the soap bottle, she started to wash her arms when she smelt a faint smell of strawberry. She felt gentle hands going through her hair and brushing her scalp. Hikaru decided to forfeit washing herself in favour of basking in her girlfriend's pampering.

"Hey, you probably shouldn't be leaning back into me. You might tip me over!" The redhead nervously pushed her girlfriend upright.

"Hmm, but it feels so good... Where'd you learn to do this? Are you sure you're the Ultimate Mystery Novelist, or is this the talent you've been hiding from me?" The NEET joked.

Now it was Shiori's turn to be flustered. "I-I assure you, Ultimate Mystery Novelist is my talent!" She insisted, her cheeks dusted with pink.

Hikaru laughed, the tables finally turned. "If you say so..."


Art credit: theloststargazer on 8tracks (idk if they actually made it, but that's where I found it) 

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