#36 - Trust (Hajime Hinata x Mikado Sannoji)

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Characters: Hajime Hinata, Mikado Sannoji

Pairing: Hajime Hinata x Mikado Sannoji

Time Period: Danganronpa 2/Super Danganronpa Another 2 prequel AU, Chapter 5

Prompt: Helping brush their hair after a shower.

PLEASE NOTE: This is just an AU that me and my friend made where Mikado is autistic, has his full mask, and participates in the Jabberwock killing game before the Utsuroshima killing game (basically gathering information on how to run the game). There will be no spoilers for SDRA2. The pic above is what Mikado looks like without the mask in this AU. Yes, this is a weird crackship. Oops.



The masked teen sat on Hajime's bed, still drying his torso from the shower. Behind him, Hajime sat with a brush, taking care as not to pull his hair too much.

"I know that your shower's been broken since the beginning, but is that any reason to come to mine?" Hajime complained. He reached beside him and pulled out a bun from the sweet bun bag he got from the Monomono Yachine. Everybody was still recovering from the events that occurred in the Funhouse, though Sonia had advised them all not to eat too much too fast or else they would get sick.

Mikado didn't reply. That was to be expected, as Mikado remained silent since they had first met. However, Mikado was occasionally forced to break his silence when he was needed during the class trials. Otherwise, Hajime hadn't judged him for being selectively mute.

"Wait, has Monomi been letting you use the showers of..of the dead?" Hajime felt a shiver down his spine as he was forced to acknowledge that reality yet again. This killing game they were in had claimed over half of them, and it still hadn't ended yet.

To Hajime's displeasure, Mikado nodded. "Then, why did you come to mine?" He thought for a moment before an idea sprung to mind. "Is it because I owe you one for the last trial?" He asked. 

When Hajime had learned that he was a reserve course student and was mercilessly mocked by Nagito, Mikado had taken the lead through the trial via cue cards, photographs, and even his voice, though the latter nearly caused him to have a panic attack in the trial room. Thank god Chiaki could keep that in check.

Surprisingly, Mikado shook his head. "Then why come to me at all? After all, I'm just a reserve course student. You know this..." Hajime trailed off, putting the brush down beside him.

Mikado suddenly turned around and took off the mask that covered the entirety of his face. Though his amber eyes watched Hajime's, the other's eyes were more focused on the most jarring thing on Mikado's face - the burn scars around his right eye. Mikado's hand swiftly grabbed Hajime's, and he brought it up to touch the scars. Hajime was taken aback with how immediate the response was. One, Mikado NEVER took off his mask, and it was only when Hajime had convinced him to open up that he ever did. Two, Mikado MOST DEFINITELY NEVER let Hajime even reach to see his scar. When he tried to see if it needed a bandage, Mikado had immediately put his mask back on. For him to respond like this though...

"Is it because...you trust me? Is that what you're trying to say?" Hajime guessed. Mikado nodded and let go of Hajime's hand with a gentle but brief smile. Hajime returned the smile and reached into the bun bag again, this time, offering one to Mikado. The wizard took it and looked it over curiously. "It's a sweet bun." Hajime explained. "It's good." With that encouragement, Mikado bit into the bun as Hajime watched. After the first bite, Mikado seemed to deem it good and began to eat it more rapidly.

Hajime turned his gaze to the window and looked outside. He knew that things wouldn't be normal again, but he was grateful that he still had his friends with him.


Art credit: dumbass.teruya on instagram

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