#30 - Itch (Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota)

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Characters: Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota

Pairing: Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Dangan Salmon Team

Prompt: Helping scratch that itch on their back they can't reach.


"Oh, come on..." Shuichi tried to reach a certain part of his back that was bothering him, but his jacket made it so he just couldn't reach.

Luckily for him, Kaito was passing by. "Hey, Shuichi!" He called over. "Whatcha doing?"

"Ah, Kaito!" The detective exclaimed. "You don't need to worry, I'm just having a hard time..."

"Oh yeah? Hard time with what?" Kaito went over to check on his sidekick.

"W-Wait, it's nothing serious! You don't need to be so worried!" Shuichi insisted.

The astronaut raised an eyebrow, but relaxed a little. "Alright, then what's going on?"

"It's, ah, well... I just can't reach this spot on my back..." He sheepishly admitted.

Kaito moved closer to him and put his hand on his back. "So...like, here?" He asked, scratching a spot higher than Shuichi's hand was going. Immediately, the detective melted into him like putty.

"Woah! I didn't know it had that kind of effect on you!" Kaito laughed, holding onto Shuichi while continuing to scratch that spot.

"N-No, it just feels nice..." Shuichi replied bashfully. He leaned on Kaito's arms, completely entranced and unable to move.

"Weird, I didn't think detectives had weak points! Should we work on that?" The astronaut teased, stopping his scratching and picking Shuichi up. He threw him over his shoulder and began walking to the academy's entrance.

"Wait, Kaito, hold on! Where are you taking me?!" Shuichi exclaimed, trying to wiggle out of the astronaut's hold. Kaito just chuckled and kept walking.

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