#8 - Gift (Ultimate Imposter x Ryota Mitarai)

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Characters: Ultimate Imposter, Ryota Mitarai

Pairing: Ultimate Imposter x Ryota Mitarai

Time Period: Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc

Prompt: Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.



The Ultimate Imposter sighed, looking at the tired Ryota. "You really need to get some rest. I don't want to call Mikan again." Upon getting no response, Sagishi walked over to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder.

He got a startled shriek out of the animator as the smaller of the two seemed to jump in his seat. The frightened animator turned around in alarm, before relaxing when he saw who it was. "Sagishi! I told you not to do that!" He scolded.

The Ultimate Imposter didn't feel a least bit apologetic. "And I told you that you really need to get some rest. Which I'm sure you've been neglecting. Here, I brought sandwiches." He dragged Ryota's swivel chair back and pressed a packaged chicken sandwich into his hands. He put the rest on Ryota's desk before sitting on the animator's bed with his bucket of fried chicken.

"But I need to work!" Ryota tried to pull his chair forwards, but to no avail. He sighed and gave up, opening the package and taking a bite of the sandwich. It was only when he bit into it he realized he was really, REALLY hungry. He scarfed down the sandwich in no time and reached for the next.

Sagishi chuckled as he watched his friend eat the sandwiches he brought. "By the way, I bought you something while I was out. Besides the sandwiches, I mean." He added the last bit rather quickly.

Ryota snapped out of his eating trance and looked at his friend with confusion. "You never buy gifts though. So why would you...?" He trailed off in confusion.

The Imposter shrugged. "It reminded me of you. Here." He tossed a keychain to Ryota, who fumbled with it in the air before catching it. Ryota looked at it with interest. It was a small figurine of an orange rabbit, curled up with a pencil behind its ear. He looked up at his friend. "Do you like it?" Sagishi asked.

In place of an answer, Ryota stood up and walked over to his friend, bent down, and hugged the almighty out of him. Right before falling asleep from being so comfortable. The Ultimate Imposter laughed, the sound being quiet and airy. Picking up his smaller friend, he put Ryota into his bed before taking his spot in his swivel chair. He would watch over his friend until he had to go to class.

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