#2 - Restless (Angie Yonaga x Himiko Yumeno x Tenko Chabashira)

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Characters: Angie Yonaga, Himiko Yumeno, Tenko Chabashira

Pairing: Angie Yonaga x Himiko Yumeno x Tenko Chabashira

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Dangan Salmon Team

Prompt: Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.


Angie woke up in the dead of the night. She really needed a drink, so she got out of bed. Thankfully, Monokuma had installed a drinking fountain at the student's dorms so that they didn't dehydrate during the night.

Getting up, she moved slowly as not to disturb the ones beside her. The ones she slept beside were Himiko and Tenko, who had come over to her dorm for a sleepover. Nobody of different genders were allowed in the same dorm, but they were all girls so they got away with it.

Angie quietly walked out of her dorm and down to the fountain. She drank a bit before turning around and heading back. On the way back, she knocked on Korekiyo's door and scampered into her dorm, closing the door quickly as not to get caught.

Heading back to the bed, she saw that the sheets had moved more than when she had left. The blankets were no longer over Himiko and Tenko. Angie frowned, thinking that the two must be cold.

Gently as to not wake them, she pulled the sheets over their bodies before sliding under them herself. Tucking herself in next to Himiko, she settled in and slept soundly for the rest of the night.


Art credit: ministarfruit on tumblr

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