#31 - Guests (Asuka Fujimori x Yoshio Izumo x Shizuka Samejima x Keiko Sakuma)

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Characters: Asuka Fujimori, Emile Fujimori, Yoshio Izumo, Shizuka Samejima, Keiko Sakuma

Pairing: Asuka Fujimori x Yoshio Izumo x Shizuka Samejima x Keiko Sakuma

Time Period: post-Birth:Right

Prompt: Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.



Asuka and Emile heard the doorbell ring right as 6:00 had arrived. Emile had gone to put dinner on the table while Asuka ran over to the door to greet the guests. There were three guests in question, each one of them Asuka's 'classmates'. "Hey guys, come in!" She stepped aside, letting them come inside.

"Huh, your house is more...'homier' than I thought." Shizuka stated.

"Really? You couldn't come up with a better word?" Yoshio sighed.

The karate practitioner wheeled around to glare at the medium. "I'd like to see YOU come up with a better word!"

"Guys, chill. How about we not fight here? We're in Asuka's house, after all." Keiko warned. The two of them huffed, then turned to Asuka.

"We're gonna be outside for just a minute, okay?" Yoshio then grabbed Shizuka and dragged her outside the house, closing the door behind them. A few seconds later, Asuka could hear them continuing to argue.

Keiko pulled on her sweater, getting her attention. "Hey, come on. They do this all the time. Let's just go to the table." The DJ reassured.

"O-Okay!" Asuka lead her friend to the table, pulling out a chair for her. "Here."

"Heh, thanks." Keiko sat down and sighed. "So, one year, huh? Jesus..."

"Yeah..." Asuka remembered being a part of Seita and Hikaru's killing game like it was yesterday. A game created to bring down the government and protest the rights of Ultimates, though in an extremist way. Asuka had dedicated her life to continuing Seita's work, spreading information online and attending protests whenever she could.

"Do, you met anyone new yet? Get a relationship?" Keiko asked.

Asuka shook her head. "I'm can't do it. Not after..." The name of a certain golden-eyed hitman lingered unspoken in the air. Even after Shiori, or rather, Zuri said that her love was true, she still tried to kill her lover. And even later, Asuka had found her decapitated.

"Oh...I'm sorry." Keiko reached a hand out and patted Asuka's shoulder. Their scars might not have healed, but they would try to endure them together.

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