#49 - Reunion (Utsuro & Void)

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Characters: Utsuro, Mikado Sannoji, Nikei Yomiuri, Emma Magorobi, Hajime Makunouchi, Iroha Nijiue, Syobai Hashimoto

Pairing: Utsuro & Void

Time Period: Post-Super Danganronpa Another 2

Prompt: Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.



When the capsules in the laboratory opened, Iroha slowly sat up, blinking herself to awareness. Looking around, she could see her four companions doing the same. The first one to get out of their capsule was Mikado, his movements wobbly as he got used to standing again. He walked over to the control panel away from the capsules and pressed a few buttons.

Iroha was so focused on Mikado's actions that she barely noticed Nikei get up from his place and walk over to her until he thrusted his hand in her face. "Come on, shorty. We gotta get up." Nikei spoke, his voice cracking from a dry throat. Iroha took his hand and stood up, holding onto him for balance as he took an IV out of her arm. Looking over his shoulder, she could see Hajime helping Emma get out of her capsule.

Mikado walked back to the capsules, getting everyone's attention. "It's time." He stated, walking over to a certain capsule. The other Voids excitedly joined him, staring at the capsule with hope pulsing through their veins.

"This...is real, right? He's going to come back?" Hajime whispered, in shock like the rest of them.

Emma slowly nodded, not taking her eyes off of the capsule.

After a minute that felt like an hour, the capsule began to open with a hiss. Instinctively, the five backed away from the sudden movement. The person inside seemed still for a moment, then he shakily sat up.

Mikado gently pushed Nikei's back, nodding to him. "Go. Help him." The journalist hesitated before slowly going to the person's side and offering a hand. The person took it and Nikei stiffened, freezing in place. Seeing the journalist at a loss made Mikado walk over and take the person's other hand, snapping Nikei out of his trance. Together, the two leaders of Void helped the person get up.

The rest of Void was in awe. The boy that helped them stretched his arms and rubbed his face, looking around at his surroundings. "Where...am I?" He asked.

"You're back." Mikado breathed. A smile came onto both his mask and his real face. "Master Utsuro...you're back!"

Utsuro looked at the five, confused. "...Are you the children I saved?"

"The last ones, yes! We've been searching for so long!" The wizard exclaimed, suddenly enveloping him in a hug.

"Hey! You can't have him all to yourself! Move!" Nikei demanded, and Mikado retracted his arms enough to let Nikei join in on the hug.

"Group hug!" Emma cried, and the other three went over to join in. Normally, the Children of Utsuro would feel that they were too unworthy to touch him, but they were so full of emotion right now that they didn't care.

Iroha felt like she wanted to cry from happiness. Most of the group had suffered executions in the virtual world, but they had followed Mikado's plan and gotten what they had wanted all along. Now Utsuro was here once again, and they would be given the luck they needed to have a better life.

"...c...can't...breathe..." The orange-haired boy gasped. Immediately, the five backed away murmuring apologies with fearful looks on their faces.

Utsuro sighed, his gaze scanning them all. "So, you were the ones who brought me back?" Mikado nodded wordlessly, trembling from fear and excitement. "...Why?"

Nikei cautiously stepped forward. "You saved us before, b-but when you died, the luck you gave us began fading, so..."

"You resurrected me just to obtain more of my Fortune?" Even though he barely showed any emotion, Utsuro still managed to look displeased, frightening everyone there.

"F-Forgive us, we just-" Emma started, but was cut off.

"I suppose I should've expected this. Very well, I'll help you." He replied. The Voids looked at each other in a rapt excitement. Their wishes had come true and now each and every one of them had regained happiness.


Iroha woke up from her napping spot under the bridge. Beside her, Syobai snored loudly. Iroha remembered her dream and sighed, tears coming to her eyes. That was what was supposed to happen, but Mikado had lied about everything and took advantage of them all.

Yuki never had a body in the first place. Mikado was an AI who was planning on killing the resurrected Utsuro for his Divine Luck. That luck was passed from Utsuro to Akane upon his death, so he didn't even have it anymore. Akane Taira's body was braindead, and Mikado planned on taking it for himself. Yuki had gotten that body and escaped before Iroha could ask him to bless her with that luck. And Hajime, Emma, and Nikei were dead, Mikado was trapped in the virtual world with Utsuro and Sora forever.

Iroha sighed and turned over to go back to sleep. She'd rather go back into the peaceful land of dreams than face the nightmare that was reality.


Art credit: aquariiium on tumblr

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