#9 - Hobby (Kasumi Izumo x Misuzu Aisaka)

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Characters: Kasumi Izumo, Misuzu Aisaka, Maiko Kagura, Nico Himuro, Ayumu Fujimori, Seishi Yodogawa

Pairing: Kasumi Izumo x Misuzu Aisaka, Maiko Kagura x Nico Himuro, Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa

Time Period: Re:Birth School Mode

Prompt: Participating in their hobby even if it doesn't personally interest you.


"Heyyy, Suzu!" Kasumi called, running down the hall to her friend.

Misuzu turned around, stepping to the side so her friend stand beside her. "Yes, Kasumi? What is it?"

Kasumi stopped beside her, taking a moment to catch her breath. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the library with me and, um, read a bit...?" She suggested meekly as she realized that Misuzu probably wouldn't want to do it.

To her surprise, Misuzu began to smile. "Sure sweetie, I'd like to." She replied. Kasumi squeed and grabbed the miko's arm, dragging her down the hall with a bright smile on her face.

Two people watched them pass. "What on earth is going on?" Maiko asked, turning to her girlfriend.

Nico shrugged. "Like the clouds that pass over the ground, I don't care."

Finally, the two arrived at the library. "Finally! Away from all those idiots for a while." Kasumi relaxed her posture. She turned back to Misuzu. "So, what kind of books do you like, Suzu?"

Misuzu was pleasantly surprised that Kasumi was genuinely happy without causing misery to others. "Well, I, um..." She sighed. "I never really read anything besides guidance and instruction books."

Kasumi was undeterred by this. "Well, maybe you'll like those extremely fluffy romance novels. Here!" She took one off the nearest shelf and handed it to Misuzu. Then, she took one off another shelf and guided her to the carpeted floor near a couple beanbags. They both sat down next to each other.

Misuzu was not really interested in anything that didn't involve work, but she figured that she might as well humour her friend. She opened the book and looked over at Kasumi. Her friend seemed to be into her book, titled 'The Secret of the Howling Orchid'. She looked at the author's name and chuckled before turning back to her own book.

About half an hour of reading later, Misuzu was enjoying her book while Kasumi leaned against her. Suddenly, she heard snoring. Looking to her side, she realized that it wasn't coming from Kasumi. Looking over to the beanbag chairs, she noticed that someone was behind them. Bookmarking her page, she put her book down and quietly walked over. On the other side of the beanbags, she found Ayumu fast asleep against Seishi as he read a book. He looked up and quietly waved to her. She returned the gesture before heading back to Kasumi.

Maybe, just maybe, she should do this with Kasumi more.


Art credit: drrb-fanart on tumblr 

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