#35 - Snack Run (IRL Mikado Sannoji x Nikei Yomiuri)

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Characters: IRL Mikado Sannoji, Nikei Yomiuri, Teruya Otori

Pairing: IRL Mikado Sannoji x Nikei Yomiuri

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they're craving.



Nikei yawned at his desk as he continued working on his article. It was fairly long, comprising of multiple sides of the event, but it was yet to be finished. He felt his stomach grumble and sighed, half of him wanting to get some food and the other half wanting to continue writing. His other half won out, and he continued his work.

As he focused on the article, footsteps came down the stairs. Nikei groaned and turned around in his swivel chair, wondering what Mikado was doing up at this abysmal hour. As predicted, the hacker came into the room with a confused expression on his face. "I heard some noise. What on earth are you doing up?" Mikado asked sleepily.

"Just working on that article I told you about. You know, the one about the recent serial killings?" Nikei yawned again, causing Mikado's expression to become worried.

"You look really tired. I mean, REALLY tired. Why don't you come to bed?" The hacker reached out a hand to pull Nikei from his chair, but the journalist swatted him away.

"I can't, I have to get this done by tonight." Nikei swung around in his chair and went back to working on his article. Mikado looked at him with sadness, knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop him when he got like this. He turned around and was about to walk out of the room. "Hey, wait. Could you do something for me?"

"Huh?" Nikei's sudden voice got his attention and he stopped in his tracks. "Sure, what do you need?"

"Could you grab some takoyaki from the fridge? I'm a little hungry."

Mikado lightly chuckled. "Of course. I'll go get some." He headed out of the room and went over to the kitchen. Walking over to the fridge, he opened it and looked for the takoyaki, only to find nothing. "Damn."

He closed the fridge and was about to walk back to Nikei and apologize when he had a thought. Nikei had been working hard all day, and he probably really wanted that takoyaki. Mikado made a turn and headed to the front door, put his shoes on, and headed outside.

Thankfully, one place that was open at that hour was Otori Mart. Mikado went inside and immediately headed over to the prepackaged foods aisle. As he looked around for certain kind of takoyaki as well as a couple energy drinks, he thanked his Fortune that nobody else was close by in the store.

He quickly found the kind with just octopus in the middle and flakes and sauce on top and quickly headed to the cash register, grabbing the energy drinks on the way. The one who was manning the register was a familiar green-haired merchant. "Oh, hey! Getting a late-night snack?" He greeted.

"It's not for me. How did you get suckered into working this late, Teruya?" Mikado teased, getting out his money and handing it to him.

Teruya groaned, taking Mikado's money and calculating the change. "I lost a drinking contest with Haru. I thought I could chug those drinks faster than he could..." He handed Mikado back his change.

"Never underestimate pilots." Mikado laughed as Teruya huffed, refusing the change. "Anyways, good luck. Keep the change and buy yourself an energy drink." The hacker took his food and hurried out of the store, eager to get back and check on Nikei.

He opened the door to their house and headed inside, removing his shoes before heading back to Nikei's office. "Hey, I went out and got you some food!" He announced, bouncing over to the journalist's side.

Nikei looked at him gratefully, unaware of how much time had passed since Mikado had left the house. "Thanks, I was starving!" He smiled up at the hacker, taking an energy drink and opening it.

"Ehehe, it was nothing really-" Mikado was cut off when Nikei grabbed his tie and yanked downwards, pulling him into a kiss. When Mikado was released, he was trembling with a red face.

Nikei smirked at him, enjoying his reaction. "You really should go to bed now, but don't worry about me, okay? I'll pay you back in the morning." He reached up and patted Mikado's side before turning back to his computer.

"B-But I wasn't even worrying..." Mikado mumbled flusteredly, quickly heading out of the room.


Art credit: mikwithnokado on instagram, go check them out, thEY ARE A GOD-

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