#29 - Investigation (Sora x Yoruko Kabuya)

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Characters: Sora, Yoruko Kabuya, Setsuka Chiebukuro

Pairing: Sora x Yoruko Kabuya

Time Period: Super Danganronpa Another 2, chapter 1

Prompt: Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.


During one of the first days in the Isle of Nowhere, Sora decided to do some investigating with Yoruko. The girls had gone to Utsuroshima Park, searching top to bottom for any clues. All they knew was that this was where Monocrow and Mikado had revealed their true colours.

Sora looked behind a statue and saw an item. "What is this...?" She wondered aloud.

"Huh?" The hostess came over to her. "Did you find something?"

Sora went closer and picked it up. "It's not a clue. It's just a bottle of water." She sighed.

"But why would a water bottle be left outside?" Yoruko wondered.

Sora shrugged, putting it in the bag she carried items in. "Who knows? Maybe the island isn't uninhabited after all." She suggested.

The two of them heard footsteps behind them and turned around, revealing it to be none other than Setsuka. "...Hm? Sora and Yoruko? What are you two doing here?" The billiards player asked.

"Setsuka, hello." Sora greeted, adjusting the bag on her arm.

Yoruko crossed her arms. "We're just investigating for clues..." She explained.

Setsuka let out a surprised laugh. "Oh! I thought you two were on a date or something!" She threw her hands up in front of her, as if to say "my bad".

Yoruko's face immediately turned a bright shade of red. "W-What?! What the hell?! Why would you assume we're dating?!" She stuttered flusteredly. "I-I would never date a girl in the first place!" She looked away from the other two crossly.

"It was a joke, Yoruko. You don't have to react like that." Setsuka sighed. "Anyways, don't let things get too hot between you two. Take your time."

Sora looked over at the hostess and noticed something. "Yoruko, could you look at me for a second?" She asked.

Yoruko turned around, her face calming down to a dull shade of pink. "What do you want?"

Without hesitating, Sora moved her hand to the pice of hair in front of Yoruko's ear, pushing it back into its place. "There. Now it's better." Sora smiled.

Yoruko's face immediately became bright red again, and she quickly stepped backwards. "So, you sure you're not on a date?" Setsuka laughed.



Art credit: cin0207 on twitter

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