#18 - Trial (Ayumu Fujimori x Mikoto Itsuki)

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Characters: Ayumu Fujimori, Mikoto Itsuki, Seishi Yodogawa

Pairing: Ayumu Fujimori x Mikoto Itsuki

Time Period: Re:Birth, chapter 5

Prompt: Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.



"And where is the evidence that Mr. Samejima could've possible been murdered? Nobody else has an alibi for getting the spear." Seishi argued.

It was the fifth time the students were forced into a class trial, and the victim turned out to be Kazuomi this time. However, none of the evidence was matching up with the state of the body and crime scene.

"Well, looking at the blood's placement on the spear, I doubt Kazuomi would've been able to stab himself from behind." Ayumu pointed out. Ever since Seishi's true talent and target had been revealed, the two of them didn't see eye to eye anymore. The hitman had become more aggressive towards everyone else, yet he never physically attacked anyone.

Mikoto noticed how nervous Ayumu was getting and quickly cut in. "I thought your previous experiences would make that obvious, Zen." She said. Seishi immediately began to bristle at her words, and Mikoto softly flashed a reassuring smile at the unlucky boy. Ayumu saw this and returned the expression before looking back to Seishi.

"Well, with everybody sticking together most of the time, I don't see when anybody would have time to get the spear." Seishi returned, a hint of bloodlust in his eyes. Behind them, Monodora silently smiled. The mastermind's murder had gone off without a hitch, and the current survivors would sentence an obstacle out of the way.

And watching through the security cameras, the mastermind couldn't wait.


Art credit: danganronpaprideicons on  tumblr 

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