#45 - Envy (Sora & Utsuro)

451 10 6

Characters: Mikado Sannoji, Sora, Utsuro

Pairing: Sora & Utsuro

Time Period: Post-Super Danganronpa Another 2

Prompt: Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.



It hurts. It's been hurting for a long time. I have all of these holes in my body, but I'm never going to heal. Not in this broken virtual world. 

Of course, being an Alter Ego, my biggest pride for being able to transcend human existence, means that I'm not able to die. As a result, I'm stuck inside this white abyss for an eternity of pain.

That doesn't mean I'm alone, however. Sora and Utsuro chose to stay inside this world, letting Yuki go to the real world in Akane Taira's body. Which now has the Divine Luck. Because of course it fucking does.

Of course, they never talk to my bloodied body on the ground. The only times they - read: Sora - speaks to me is when I try to talk and I'm told to shut up. Jeez, we're stuck in this place forever with nothing to do, and I'm still told to be quiet? That's just terrible.

But in all honesty, the worst part about all of this is seeing Master Utsuro there with her. They talk to each other, comfort each other, even touch each other. Every time Sora rubs the back of his hand with her thumb, and he smiles at her, I can feel my heart ache a bit. It hurts just as much as the bullet wounds in my body.

Why can't I simply be with Master Utsuro? Why can't I be Master Utsuro? Is it because I'm just a computer program? Or did I mess up something in my perfect plan? ...Was this my fate from the beginning?

But Sora had already told me, didn't she? I was programmed with the algorithm 'Utsuro has the Divine Luck', when in actuality, he passed it to Akane Taira's body upon his death. I couldn't know that, even with my network of information. There's no way I could.

And in the end, I couldn't be human. Not even with these artificial emotions. Even if I see Sora and Master Utsuro be happy together, I couldn't replicate the same emotions. I don't think I can at this point.

And in the end, I have to watch them and their happiness stay just out of my reach of my broken body on the floor, filled with gunshot wounds and grief. Funny, isn't it? Sora herself was meant to be empty from the beginning, but I'm the one who ended up empty in the end. Maybe if my will is as strong as my father's, I'll be rescued some day. Or perhaps I'll be like the Voids, waiting for a miracle that'll never happen.

Utsuro and Sora touch each other, hold each other again, just in my line of view. But there's nothing I can hope to do anymore. That's fate. That's the power of Fortune. That's the consequence of Divine Luck.


Art credit: 23563048 on pixiv

(Since Mikado's confirmed to be alive in the simulation for eternity after sdra2, why not make him suffer more?)

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