#46 - Massage (Sora Harem)

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Characters: Sora, Yuki Maeda, Syobai Hashimoto, Yoruko Kabuya, Nikei Yomiuri

Pairing: Sora x Yuki Maeda x Syobai Hashimoto x Yoruko Kabuya x Nikei Yomiuri

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.


Sora walked through the door into her house, tiredly shutting it behind her. She hung her coat up before heading to the living room, where she heard loud squabbling.

The arguing came from Yoruko and Nikei, who were currently fighting over the TV remote on one of the couches. On the other couch, Syobai was fast asleep with his head on a nervous Yuki's lap. He looked torn between stopping the argument and letting Syobai sleep. "Good afternoon. What kind of mess have I walked into?" Sora asked, heading to the closest couch and taking the remote from them.

"Oh, Sora!" Yoruko looked up at her excitedly, only to look concerned when she saw how the albino looked. "Are you okay? You seem really tired."

Sora laughed in response. "It's nothing, work was just a nuisance again. I might need to lie down though."

"You can have my spot, then." Nikei tried to get up to move to the other couch, but Yoruko pulled him back down.

"Not a chance." She dryly replied. Sora got onto the couch and lay facedown across its length, also lying on Yoruko and Nikei's laps. Yuki giggled at the sight, seeing the duo in the same situation as he was.

Yoruko started sputtering and blushing, feeling Sora wiggle around temporarily to get comfortable. Nikei sighed and chuckled, using one hand to rub Sora's back. "Hey, she's just on you. No need to get so worked up over it- Oh, wait, don't you normally do that?" He joked.

"Shut it, it's not like you're any better!" The hostess snapped.

"G-Guys, please don't fight!" Yuki called over. However, his volume accidentally woke Syobai up. "Ah, Syobai! S-Sorry, I'll be quieter!"

"Don't bother." Syobai got up from his spot on Yuki's lap and walked over to the other couch. He looked at Nikei, who continued to gently rub Sora's back. "If you're trying to give her a massage, Newsie, you're doing it wrong." He flatly stated.

"How should I do it, then?" Nikei snarked, taking his hand off Sora's back.

Syobai rolled his eyes, realizing that he walked right into that one. "Like this." He put both of his hands on Sora's back, kneading her skin in slow circles as he felt her melt underneath. Initially, he had learned to give massages for his clients, most of them right unsightly to look at and to touch. This time, it made him strangely content to use his skills for someone he cared about.

Yoruko and Nikei looked at each other in wonder and jealousy, not entirely decided if they wanted to be in either Syobai or Sora's position. On one hand, Sora looked so happy in her place on their laps getting a backrub that they wanted to be in her position, but she seemed so tired when she walked in and it was Syobai who made her as peaceful as she was now.

By now, Yuki had gotten off of the other couch and walked over to the others. "Um, Syobai? If it's alright, could you, um, teach me how to do that?" He cautiously asked, unsure of how cooperative Syobai would be today.

"Later I can, but it'll cost you." The broker replied, not missing a beat.

"Uh, would you like to sleep in my lap again?" The orange-haired boy asked, wearing a gentle smile.

Syobai sighed. "I suppose that'll suffice, for now at least." At the moment, he couldn't care less. 

Yuki laughed in triumph before going to sit on the couch's armrest, next to Nikei. Meanwhile, Sora had drifted off to sleep, happy with being surrounded by her lovers.


Art credit: 72955752 on pixiv 

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