#50 - Treat (Emma Magorobi x Kokoro Mitsume)

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Characters: Emma Magorobi, Kokoro Mitsume

Pairing: Emma Magorobi x Kokoro Mitsume

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.


Kokoro doesn't normally go to the mall, but she's started going there only because of her hyperactive girlfriend Emma. There were a lot of creepy salesmen trying to sell them things and creepy fans that somehow saw through Emma's disguise. As such, it was usually Kokoro who had to speak whenever they went to buy something. On the bright side, she usually got comfortable sweaters and blankets to work in.

Kokoro wanted to treat Emma like she got treated. Looking around, she knew that Emma liked expensive things and spending money on friends. She quickly spotted a Lindor shop and began to drag Emma over to it. She knew from experience that they made high-quality chocolate.

"Hm, Kokoro? What are you doing?" Emma asked, keeping her voice low so that nobody could overhear her and recognize the actress.'

Kokoro said nothing, quickly pulling her into the shop. She scanned the shelves as she tried to remember Emma's favorite kind of chocolate...white chocolate, right? She quickly took the blue boxes and headed to the front of the store.

"I'd like these, please." She stated, taking out her debit card. She noticed Emma attempting to pay using her own card, but she pushed the actress's hand down and continued the transaction. Once it was finished, she received the chocolate in a bag and gave it to Emma before they left the store.

"Kokoro, why didn't you let me pay? You know I have a lot more money..." Emma asked.

"I wanted to get you something. You've gotten me a lot of wonderful things and I wanted to repay you, even if it's just a bit."

Emma looked down at the chocolates. "These are for me?" She began to blush and she enveloped the psychologist in a hug. "Aww, Kokoro! You didn't have to!"

"I wanted to." Kokoro responded, letting the actress melt into her. Somewhere deep inside her, she could've sworn she could feel something warm. Maybe it was just her imagination. Who knows?


Art credit: diefakekingjulien on tumblr

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