#17 - Normal (Maki Harukawa & Zen Katagiri)

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Characters: Maki Harukawa, Zen Katagiri

Pairing: Maki Harukawa & Zen Katagiri

Time Period: Pre-Games

Prompt: Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.



The agency hadn't called upon Zen today to complete an assignment, but had chosen his roommate and surrogate sister, Maki. She was to go and kill a businessman that worked at the client's rival company. This was normal.

Zen took both of their small dirty laundry piles and made his way to the laundromat. He had earned so much money from his dual talent that he had to hide it from the agency somehow. He payed no attention to the people that came here every week; he just washed their clothes like he always did. This was his normal.

When he came back, he sat on the floor and folded both of their clothes, which they didn't have much of. He put them in their usual corners of the room before sitting back down and opening a book. Half an hour later, the door opened and Maki walked past him to the bathroom. He could hear the sounds of vomiting from inside, but he ignored them. This was her normal.

Soon, she went over to Zen and lay down, putting her head in his lap. She began to quietly sob while Zen gently ran his hand through her hair, never once looking up from his book. Speaking would only make her cry harder, and the agency wouldn't approve of that. If they were too loud, the men would beat them again. At least they had each other. This was their normal.


Art credit: the-kin-cafe on tumblr 

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