#7 - Bruise (Mahiru Koizumi x Hiyoko Saionji)

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Characters: Mahiru Koizumi, Hiyoko Saionji

Pairing: Mahiru Koizumi x Hiyoko Saionji

Time Period: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

Prompt: Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.


"Oof!" Hiyoko cried out as she tripped on the ground near the Usami Corrals. Mahiru looked back just as the dancer landed on her arm.

"Ah, Hiyoko! Are you okay?" Mahiru ran over to her as the other girl tried to get herself up.

"I'm...I'm fine, but my arm really hurts." Hiyoko held it with tears in her eyes.

Mahiru reached her hand out. "Let me see." She asked. Hiyoko extended her arm, which the photographer gingerly held.

Mahiru pushed back the sleeve of Hiyoko's kimono and looked her arm over. In the centre of her forearm was a dark bruise, which was slowly growing. Mahiru sighed, Hiyoko must have fallen quite hard. At least she knew that the tears she had weren't fake.

"Can you kiss it better?" Hiyoko asked, a bit of blush forming on her face.

Mahiru sputtered, caught off guard by the question. "I-I think we should get some bandages for it first!" She exclaimed.

Hiyoko gave her the biggest puppy eyes she could muster. "Please, Big Sis Mahiru?" She pleaded.

Her face as red as her hair, Mahiru complied. "Fine..." She brought Hiyoko's arm closer to her and kissed the bruise, lowering it immediately afterwards. "There. Now let's go get some bandages." Mahiru grabbed Hiyoko's other arm and dragged her towards the supermarket without another word. Unbeknownst to Mahiru, Hiyoko was smiling deviously behind her 'Big Sis'.

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