#12 - Tradition (Hajime Hinata x Chiaki Nanami x Nagito Komaeda)

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Characters: Hajime Hinata, Chiaki Nanami, Nagito Komaeda

Pairing: Hajime Hinata x Chiaki Nanami x Nagito Komaeda

Time Period: Danganronpa 2, Island Mode

Prompt: Following their family traditions that they enjoy.


It was just another day on Jabberwock Island, and Nagito wanted to take his boyfriend and girlfriend to the amusement park. In fact, he was already dragging them there.

"Hey, we don't need to rush!" Hajime protested, eventually forcing Nagito to stop running while dragging them.

"Thanks... All that running was tiring me out." Chiaki panted, not used to extreme physical exercise.

"Sorry, I just wanted to bring my loved ones to somewhere special like my parents used to." Nagito laughed. "Even scum like me can do that!"

"Nagito, for the last time, you're not scum and never will be." Chiaki huffed.

Hajime nodded in agreement. "She's right, you know. You don't need to talk badly about yourself. You have us now, remember? And we'll always be there for you."

Nagito smiled softly in response. "I suppose so. So, where do you want to go first? The haunted house? The roller coaster? Nezumi Castle?" He asked.

"I dunno about you guys, but I wanna try the roller coaster." Chiaki suggested. "Is that okay with you guys?"

"Of course! Come on, Nagito!" In a reverse turn of events, Hajime began dragging his lovers in the direction of the roller coaster.

Hearing Hajime's proclamations and Chiaki's laughter filled Nagito's heart up with joy. "Heh, I guess I really am lucky."


Art credit: 33127518 on pixiv 

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