#4 - Homemade (Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa x Shuichi Saihara)

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Characters: Kaito Momota, Maki Harukawa, Shuichi Saihara

Pairing: Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa x Shuichi Saihara

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, sometime after 3rd trial

Prompt: Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.


Shuichi had some free time on his hands. This wasn't a rare occurrence, but he just wanted to go to sleep this time. Helping the others deal with Kokichi's shenanigans was enough to give even the most adaptable person a headache. He headed back to his room with the full intent on sleeping the rest of the day away.

Little did he know that he was spotted by Kaito, who smartly (surprisingly) decided not to bother his sidekick. Instead, he went to find their third training partner...

Shuichi woke hours later to some knocking on his door. Drowsily dragging himself forwards, he didn't expect Kaito and Maki at the door holding a small basket. "Hey, Shuichi!" Kaito exclaimed, a little louder than what Shuichi would've liked. "I saw that Kokichi was giving you trouble today, so Maki and I made something!" He smiled proudly as the detective blinked the sleep out of his eyes.

A moment of silence passed between the three. "Are you going to let us in or not?" Maki finally asked. The glare she was giving him snapped him out of his tired state.

"Y-Yeah, of course!" He opened the door wider and stepped back, letting them enter his room before closing the door behind him.

The three of them moved to the centre of the room and sat down. After putting his package in the middle of them, Kaito opened the basket. Inside were dozens of rice balls, the kind that Kirumi often used to make. Kaito took one out and handed it to Shuichi. "Here, take it!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

Shuichi hesitated before taking it from his hand. "Um, this is for me?" He asked.

"Of course it is. Why would he be handing it to you otherwise?" Maki replied coldly before taking one for herself.

"Oh, thanks guys!" Shuichi bit into the rice ball. It was sticky and sweet, as one would expect from a rice ball. It was a bit crushed, but he could tell that a lot of care was put into it and the rest of the snacks.

"So?" Kaito asked, taking one for himself. "How is it?"

"It's great! Thanks guys." The detective smiled at his friends. Kaito laughed triumphantly while Maki just gave a small smile.

"It better be. This idiot was trying to compress all of them." Maki joked, taking a bite of her rice ball.

Kaito looked at her with mock offence. "Hey! That was just one time, okay?!" Shuichi just laughed at the duo's antics, enjoying his rice ball.


Art credit: 851525 on pixiv

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