#27 - Late Night (Hibiki Otonokoji x Setsuka Chiebukuro)

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Characters: Hibiki Otonokoji, Setsuka Chiebukuro, Kanade Otonokoji, Iroha Nijiue, Mikado Sannoji

Pairing: Hibiki Otonokoji x Setsuka Chiebukuro

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.



Setsuka knew that the Otonokoji twins had long concerts, but she didn't expect them to be quite this long.

"Ah well, I guess I'll be eating dinner by myself tonight." She sighed. She grabbed her plate of teriyaki and moved to the living room with a fork in her hand. Putting the cutlery on the plate, she sat on the couch and put the plate on her lap.

"Hm." Setsuka grabbed the tv remote and selected the youtube option. "Let's see if someone's live streaming their concert."

Indeed, the band's manager was streaming their concert live. Setsuka selected the video and sat back, beginning to eat her dinner.

"And this song is dedicated to the best girl in the world!" Hibiki shouted. The crowd roared as Kanade began to play the first few notes of the song. Indeed, it was a love song.

"Aww, I love you too!" Setsuka cooed. She looked to the side of the video and saw Iroha painting a picture of the duo. Wait, if Iroha was there, that means THEY were there too...

Setsuka pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialled a number. "Ah, Ms. Setsuka? Father is currently busy at the moment, so you'll have to call him back." A cheery voice answered.

"No, 'Alter', don't hang up. I need a favour from both of you." Setsuka interrupted.

"Oh? A favour?"

"I need you to tell Mikado to point his phone at the twins, and I need you to stream it to my contact. Can you do that?" She asked.

She was met by a positive response. "Of course! Just wait a few seconds!" The line hung up, as the 'alter ego' Mikado was developing went to inform its 'father' of the message. Less than a minute later, Setsuka was getting clear footage of her girlfriend performing.

Soon, she was done her dinner and the concert was over. However, she knew that Hibiki and Kanade had to stay behind to talk to fans and do interviews. Setsuka decided to put Hibiki's teriyaki in the microwave. Kanade didn't get any because she was living in her own house with Mikado's group coming over often. Hell, they practically lived there, though Kanade could pay the rent using only a fraction of her money.

Setsuka left the kitchen and went into her bedroom, getting ready for bed. After she turned off the lights, she crawled into bed and went to sleep. A few hours later, she felt someone else join her.


Art credit: Mirang0528 on twitter

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