#23 - Photograph (Mondo Owada x Leon Kuwata x Chihiro Fujisaki)

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Characters: Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Chihiro Fujisaki, Makoto Naegi

Pairing: Mondo Owada x Leon Kuwata x Chihiro Fujisaki

Time Period: Pre-Trigger Happy Havoc

Prompt: Taking a picture together to print and hang later.

SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 6 OF TRIGGER HAPPY HAVOC! Also, Chihiro has he/him pronouns in this.


It was a bright and sunny day at Hope's Peak Academy. The sky was blue, the air was warm, and the practical exams were a month away. On this day, Class 78 was hanging out in their classroom, hyping each other up for their coming exams.

"Okay, but remind me how I'm able to do my exam?" Makoto asked.

The trio in front of him chuckled. "Don't sweat it, I'm sure you'll find a way!" Mondo grinned.

"Maybe you can play Russian Roulette! That'll impress them!" Leon suggested.

"No, don't!" Chihiro objected. "You should go out and pick a bunch of four-leaf clovers instead. That's much safer!"

"Come on, did ya have to one-up me like that? Come here!" Leon playfully put the programmer into a headlock.

"Hey!" Chihiro laughed, wiggling around in his prison.

Mondo let out a loud laugh. "Both of you are morons, you know that?!" Reaching around them, he ruffled Chihiro's hair with one hand and pretended to punch Leon with the other.

"Aw, no fair!" Leon whined, but kept laughing at their antics.


All three of them turned to look at Makoto, who had a camera in his hands. "Um, sorry, but that was actually adorable." He admitted sheepishly.

Leon huffed. "Jeez, ask permission next ti-"

"Can you print it out please? I would like to have it." Chihiro asked, cutting off the baseball star.

"Uh, sure! Let me just go check if the printing room's available!" Makoto turned around and began to head out of the classroom.


Chihiro hung the printed photo up in his dorm, where he would stare at it on days when he felt down and begin to feel okay. That photo was stolen from his room when Junko forced them into unconsciousness and erased their memories, and would later be found by Makoto on the third floor.

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