#26 - Chores (Aoi Asahina x Sakura Ogami)

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Characters: Aoi Asahina, Sakura Ogami, Junko Enoshima

Pairing: Aoi Asahina x Sakura Ogami

Time Period: Trigger Happy Havoc, School Mode

Prompt: Doing a chore for them that you know they aren't fond of.



"Ugh, why did Monokuma have to run out of spares? Couldn't he have enlisted someone else to help him?" Aoi complained while searching the art room for spare materials. "I mean, there's not as much in here as he thinks! This school doesn't have infinite supplies, you know?"

"Do you not like searching?" Sakura asked as she swept the other side of the art room, occasionally looking over at Aoi.

"No! No way! It sucks! But we gotta do it anyway or else Monokuma will get mad..." The swimmer sighed.

Sakura thought for a bit before coming to a decision. Stopping her task, she walked over to the swimmer with the broom in her hand. "Here, take this."

"Huh? Why?" She asked, taking the broom from her.

"You can sweep the art room as you wish. I'll collect materials in your place." And without hesitation, the martial artist started searching through one of the boxes.

After a moment of silence, it finally sunk in with Aoi. "Aww, thanks Sakura! You're the best!" Aoi suddenly lunged forward and hugged Sakura, not even causing her to flinch. If you looked carefully though, you could see a smile on her face.


Meanwhile, Junko was watching this from her room, puking into a trash can from the utter hopefulness of the sports duo. She slowly lifted her head from the can. "Ugh... Why did I have to run out of spares...?"

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