#5 - Sleeping In (Toko Fukawa x Komaru Naegi)

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Characters: Toko Fukawa, Komaru Naegi

Pairing: Toko Fukawa x Komaru Naegi

Time Period: Post-Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc

Prompt: Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.



Komaru opened her eyes to the light shining in her eyes. Sitting up, she rubbed them as her brain slowly woke up. She got out of bed and stretched, walking towards the dresser where she put her normal school uniform.

After quickly changing her clothes, she looked back at the bed. Her girlfriend, Toko, was still sleeping in the bed they shared. Komaru couldn't help but feel her chest grow warm while hearing Toko's soft snores. Unfortunately, she couldn't stick around for much longer. She and Toko worked at the New Hope's Peak Academy as assistants, but she didn't want to wake up her girlfriend.

Instead, she went over to their fridge and took out a bottle of water, putting it on Toko's bedside table. She also found a sticky note and write a message on it, sticking it to the water bottle. Bending over, she gently kissed Toko on the forehead before heading to the front door.

Toko later woke up sometime in the afternoon, groggy and disoriented. She was cold due to Komaru missing, and she wrapped the sheet around her as she sat up in bed. Noticing a water bottle on her bedside table, she opened it up and drank from it before blinking herself to awareness. It was then that she noticed the note on the bottle. After putting on her glasses left on the nightstand, she held the note close to her face and read it.

'Hey Toko! You look like you need the sleep, so I'm gonna just tell Kyoko that you're sick. Speaking of, you might want to stay home a couple days so we can say that it was fever instead of me wanting to let you sleep. Love you, Komaru.'

Toko sighed, thinking of how many sick days she had left. "I'm gonna kill you, Omaru." She sighed.


Art credit: sekkisshi on instagram

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