#39 - Dessert (Kaede Akamatsu x Maki Harukawa)

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Characters: Kaede Akamatsu, Maki Harukawa

Pairing: Kaede Akamatsu x Maki Harukawa

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it's their favorite.


At Hope's Peak Academy, student attendance wasn't mandatory, just as long as you pass your Practical Exam. Kaede knew this rule from studying the guidelines before coming to Hope's Peak. She had decided to use this to her advantage to take her girlfriend out on a date.

She and Maki had decided to go to an expensive restaurant in fancy dresses. Miu had helped Kaede pick out her dress while Maki was helped by Kirumi. Thankfully, their classmates were supportive of them both and were willing to help them.

They had decided to share a large seafood dish, mostly to introduce Maki to foods she couldn't have because of her past. To Kaede's delight, Maki seemed to enjoy them, if her soft blush was any indication.

Finally, it was time for dessert. "I won't have anything." Maki stated.

"Huh? You won't?" Kaede asked in confusion.

Maki shook her head. "The bill's long enough. You can have your dessert. I'll be fine." She explained. Though Kaede had known Maki long enough to know that while she was right, she still didn't like the outcome.

Kaede called over the waiter to order dessert, but instead of just telling him, she just moved the menu away from Maki's sight and pointed to a dessert. The waiter nodded and wrote down the order before asking Maki what she wanted. Upon her telling him she wasn't having any, he went to the kitchen to relay the order.

"Why didn't you show me what you're getting?" Maki asked.

"It's a surprise!" The pianist chirped, pulling Maki into an unexpected hug.

"It's- Ugh, whatever!" Groaned the flustered assassin as she pushed Kaede off her.

Soon, the waiter came back with what Kaede had ordered - some maple fudge drizzled in vanilla icing. Kaede pushed the plate over to Maki with a smile. "Here!" She put a fork on the plate and beamed at her girlfriend.

"I told you I wasn't having any..." Maki began, but Kaede shut her up with a kiss.

"It's okay, I got this for you. I know it's your favourite." Kaede wrapped her arms around Maki, using one of her hands to put the fork into her girlfriend's hand. "I don't need any dessert, because the sweetest thing here is you."

Maki turned a brilliant shade of pink and scrambled to try and push the pianist away, but to no avail. "Y-You...!"

Kaede just laughed and squeezed her Maki. "Your reactions are adorable, you know that?"


Art credit: aryllins on instagram

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