#42 - Security (Re:Birth Survivors x Each Other)

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Characters: Ayumu Fujimori, Seishi Yodogawa, Mikoto Itsuki, Mitsunari Koga, Nico Himuro

Pairing: Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa x Mikoto Itsuki x Mitsunari Koga x Nico Himuro

Time Period: Post-Re:Birth

Prompt: Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn't a crowd.



After experiencing a killing game, one's nerves would be shot to hell and back. That's why the survivors of the Kaiho Gakuen killing game never went anywhere without each other, in case somebody would try to attack one of them.

The quintet liked to go on walks through a local park in the evening, a time where not many people are around to see them. But sometimes, they underestimate how cold or dark it would get on some days.

Ayumu clung closer to Seishi as he looked around nervously. "Hey, um, could you hold my hand?" He asked

Seishi looked at Ayumu with a confused face. "Huh? Are you alright, Ayumu?"

"If you actually look, you'll see that he's probably not okay, Zen." Mikoto sighed, casting an annoyed gaze at the ex-hitman.

"None of us are." Nico murmured. Her voice was soft, but the other four could hear it loud and clear in the evening air. They were forced to acknowledge the circumstances in which they met and the trauma that compelled them to stay together.

"Actually...could you hold my hand as well?" Mitsunari asked, breaking the silence. He never brought his puppets on their walks in case something happened and he needed his hands available. Nico silently let him slip his hand into hers.

"...If anyone needs me to hold their-" Mikoto didn't get to finish her sentence before Ayumu grabbed her hand and moved himself closer to her. All the while, he was still holding Seishi's hand.

Nico reached out her hand and gently took the spy's other hand, still holding Mitsunari's. The five of them slowly shuffled closer to one another, grateful for the foreign sense of security the action brought.

Holding onto one another, they hurried through the park to get back home.


Art credit: Apparently this is official art by Miwashiba? Holy shit??

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