#40 - Attention (Teruya Otori x Syobai Hashimoto)

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Characters: Teruya Otori, Syobai Hashimoto

Pairing: Teruya Otori x Syobai Hashimoto

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.


While Syobai was on the phone in the living room with a client, Teruya was busy making some food in the kitchen.

When Teruya looked over at his boyfriend, he sighed in disappointment. He understood how important Syobai's work was, but he hadn't been given attention for a while now. While Syobai was pacing around the room, Teruya made a goofy face in his direction.

Syobai kept talking on the phone, not noticing Teruya at first until he turned around and looked over at the kitchen. Syobai nearly started stuttering, but suppressed it and turned away.

Teruya snickered, knowing that it seemed to be working. He quickly changed his face to another goofy one and kept his eye on Syobai.

The broker decided to risk checking up on his idiot and turned around, seeing another goofy expression plastered on his face. This time, he wasn't able to stop himself. "Pfft, HAH- Oh my god. I'm gonna have to call you back." Syobai hung up his phone and began walking over to the kitchen. "So, I take it you want some attention, huh? You're lucky the guy was giving me a bad deal."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Teruya lied, not feeling sorry in the slightest. He wrapped his arms around Syobai and snuggled up to him, looking not unlike a cape draped over his shoulders.

Syobai moved his head away from Teruya's, a thin layer of blush coating his face. "Save that for the couch, palm tree." He grumbled.

"Okay!" With that, Teruya picked the broker up and jogged over to the couch, Syobai defiantly squirming in his arms. Once Teruya sat down on the couch with Syobai in his lap, he picked up where he left off, wrapping himself around the other and nuzzling into his shoulder.

"J-Jesus... Just- Jesus..." Syobai sighed, giving up and letting Teruya smother him in affection. He had a feeling he wouldn't be going back to work anytime soon.


Art credit: mikwithnokado on instagram

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