#47 - Gaming (Mikan Tsumiki x Chiaki Nanami)

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Characters: Mikan Tsumiki, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Hibiki Otonokoji

Pairing: Mikan Tsumiki x Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata x Hibiki Otonokoji, Hajime Hinata x Chiaki Nanami x Mikan Tsumiki x Hibiki Otonokoji x Hiyoko Saionji x Sonia Nevermind (though the last two are only mentioned, I assure you they're there)

Time Period: A Student Out Of Time (time travel au), the summer vacation between Season 1 and Season 2

Prompt: Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.


"I didn't know that you had a Wii, Chiaki!" Mikan exclaimed, turning her controller on.

Chiaki looked over at the other girl and smiled happily. "I'm the Ultimate Gamer. My parents got it for me when it came out, and I'm surprised that it hasn't broken down yet." She put a game disc in and sat back with her girlfriend, turning on her controller. "It's a shame that its popularity has died off, it's still a good system no matter what anyone says."

"So, what are we going to play?" The nurse quietly asked. She kept her voice down because she didn't want to wake Kotoko, who was sleeping in the main bedroom with Hiyoko. Sonia had to 'take care of a few things', as she put it, and wasn't home at the moment. Hajime and Hibiki were out on another date, so they weren't home either.

The game booted up, and Chiaki selected the game and got it ready. "New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It's a pretty fun game and it has multiplayer, so we can play it together!" The pink-haired girl pressed start, and the duo began to play.


"So, I just need to not touch the purple liquid. Touching the Wigglers are okay, right?" Mikan asked, trying to get past an underground level in World 5.

"Yep. You have to bounce on the Wigglers to stay above the poison and get to higher places." Chiaki replied, hitting a question block and getting a propeller mushroom.

Mikan bounced off a Wiggler and got into a pipe. "I think this is the end of the level." She stated, watching as the characters were transported to an area above ground.

"Why don't you get the flagpole?" Chiaki suggested. 

"Okay!" Mikan bounced off another Wiggler and did exactly that, not hitting the top but still ending the level. "Yay! I did it!" The nurse cheered.

"You sure did. Good job." Chiaki leaned over and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. "Now get ready. We still have a lot more levels and four more worlds to go."

"Got it! I'm ready!" Mikan picked up her controller and prepared to continue playing.


"Chiaki! Mikan! We're home!" Hajime called, waiting for Hibiki to pass him before closing the door behind them.

Hibiki looked around. "Hmm... I don't hear Aki or Mimi anywhere. Did they go to bed?" She asked.

"Probably. I'm not sure though." Hajime sighed and headed to the living room where an adorable sight awaited him. Chiaki and Mikan had fallen asleep on top of each other, their game on the start screen, though the sound was muted, and their controllers were pushed aside. "Hey, Hibiki. Come look at this." He said with a smile.

Hibiki skipped over and let out a quiet gasp while Hajime went to a linen closet. "Aww, they're so adorable! Did they fall asleep like that?" She quietly giggled before turning the TV off and moved the controllers away from them.

Hajime came back with a large blanket and draped it over both of them. "Come on, Hibiki. Let's not disturb them." With a content smile on his face, he lead the vocalist to their bedroom to turn in for the night as well.


Yo, this was inspired by a-student-out-of-time.tumblr.com, an ask blog in which Hajime post-Hope Arc gets sent back to 2012 and resolves to stop the Tragedy and fix everything that was wrong in his original timeline. Please check it out!

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