#28 - Milkshake (Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa)

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Characters: Ayumu Fujimori, Seishi Yodogawa, Narumi Osone, Akira Tsuchiya

Pairing: Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa

Time Period: Re:Birth, School Mode

Prompt: Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.



"Alright! Drinks all around!" Narumi called, handing out milkshakes to her classmates. She placed one down for herself first, then the rest of the shakes. She had just given one to Seishi and was about to give one to Ayumu when she realized that she was one short. "Oh, crap! Sorry Ayumu, I'll go make you something." She hastily apologized.

"No, you don't need to. My luck's just catching up to me again." Ayumu smiled, though disappointment clearly showed in his eyes.

Seishi looked over from drinking his and stopped, sitting up and clearing his throat. "Ah, I don't have a particularly cooperative stomach. Ayumu can have mine." He pushed his drink over to the unlucky student.

"W-What?" Ayumu tried to push it back to him. "No, you don't need to give me your drink, please take it!" He insisted.

Seishi laughed at his panic. "No, no, please. I really can't stomach much rich food these days. You can have it." He gently moved it back to Ayumu.

He reluctantly accepted it and drank the milkshake. After a moment of processing the flavour, he looked up at Narumi with an elated smile on his face. "Woah! This is really good!"

"Yeah, it's good that the milkshake's good, but aren't you gonna get sick?" Narumi questioned.

"Hm?" Ayumu tried to speak, but his mouth was full of milkshake.

Narumi pointed at Seishi. "You know, from using the same straw as him?"

Akira decided to speak up from another table. "You know, I think they're immune to each other considering how many times they kissed."

Ayumu promptly choked on his milkshake.


Art credit: drrb-fanart on tumblr 

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