#25 - Colour (Kaede Akamatsu x Miu Iruma)

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Characters: Kaede Akamatsu, Miu Iruma

Pairing: Kaede Akamatsu x Miu Iruma

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Dangan Salmon Team

Prompt: Wearing clothes in their favorite color.


Miu opened the door to her lab and began to sputter with her face turning red.

There on her workbench, playing the electric piano, was Kaede. Except today, Kaede was dressed in a hot pink sundress that had a low-cut collar. The pianist turned to look at her. "Ah, Miu? What's wrong?" She asked, suddenly concerned for her girlfriend's blood pressure.

Miu managed to pull herself together as soon as she realized that she was being talked to. "A-Aah, you should warn me the next time you wear something like that! Jeez, Kaeidiot!" She scolded. Though it was very clear to Kaede that she was extremely flustered.

Kaede stopped playing the piano and looked the inventor over before smiling deviously. "What if I don't?" She teased. "Your face looks so adorable like that!"

"G-Gah! You're c-completely unreasonable, aren't you?!" Miu protested. Kaede got up from the workbench and waltzed over to her girlfriend, smiling all the while.

"Come on, you can just tell me that you like this!" The pianist gently pulled Miu through the doorway and into the lab, closing the door behind them.

"A-Ah, um..." The inventor was completely red in the face and unable to speak. She could do nothing but let herself be lead by Kaede to her work bench and sat down before the pianist took a seat on her lap.

Kaede looked down at Miu's face and giggled. "Do you want me to kiss you?"

After that question, Miu Iruma passed out.


Art credit: milkakira on tumblr 

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