#6 - Cuddling (Junko Enoshima x Tsumugi Shirogane)

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Characters: Junko Enoshima, Tsumugi Shirogane

Pairing: Junko Enoshima x Tsumugi Shirogane, Mukuro Ikusaba x Makoto Naegi

Time Period: Ultimate Talent Development Plan

Prompt: Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.


In the middle of the night, Tsumugi shot up in bed. Holding herself as she was sitting up, she began to draw in deep breaths. The terror flashed in her mind once again, and she curled more into herself.

Beside her, someone else began to stir. "Hm? Why's it so cold...?"

Tsumugi turned to her bedmate. "Junko? Did I wake you? S-Sorry." She whimpered.

The fashionista was more awake now and sat up with Tsumugi. "Ugh, being woken up in the middle of the night is so despair-inducing..." She mumbled. This apartment belonged to her and Mukuro, but despite the fact that there were two beds, she normally slept beside her sister in case someone tried to do something while she was vulnerable. However, Mukuro decided to invite Makoto over for the night, so Junko decided to move to the other bed.

As payback for that 'transgression', Junko invited Tsumugi to stay the night as well. They knew each other due to Tsumugi occasionally making costumes and runway looks for the fashionista, and Junko dressing up the cosplayer as well (usually against her will).

"I-I'm so sor-sorry..." Tsumugi stammered. Junko's face grew blank. She could obviously tell that something was very wrong. The cosplayer never stammered, not even when she was nervous.

"Oi, what happened? Did your period come early or something?" Junko yawned. "Don't worry, I don't use this bed much. I'll make Big Sis and that luck idiot sleep here next time."

"No, it's not that." Tsumugi shook her head. "It's just a nightmare...that's all."

Junko stared straight ahead. "So, you want a hug or someth-gah!" She never got to finish her sentence when Tsumugi practically tackled her back down to the bed. She held Junko in a death-like hug and nestled her face into the crook of her neck.

The Ultimate Despair looked down at the girl sobbing into her neck and sighed. "At least let me pull the covers up, dammit." She reached down and pulled the sheets over both of them. She couldn't put a name to the feeling in her chest at that moment, but it seemed bearable. For the moment.


Art credit: cactuskhee on twitter

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