#15 - Nightmare (Mikoto Itsuki x Seishi Yodogawa x Ayumu Fujimori)

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Characters: Mikoto Itsuki, Seishi Yodogawa, Ayumu Fujimori

Pairing: Mikoto Itsuki x Seishi Yodogawa x Ayumu Fujimori, Nico Himuro x Mitsunari Koga, Mikoto Itsuki x Seishi Yodogawa x Ayumu Fujimori x Nico Himuro x Mitsunari Koga

Time Period: Post-Re:Birth

Prompt: Calming them down when they have a bad dream.



It had been a week since Future Foundation had rescued the survivors of the New Killing School Life, but it was hard to settle in when the memories of the game were still so fresh. As Ayumu was snuggled in bed with his two lovers, he could remember the events as clear as day.


After Akira had executed himself, their rescue did not come immediately. Mikoto managed to contact the Foundation via Akira's room, but rescue would not come for another four days. The five that had survived the killing game had to hold out until then.

First off, the group had quickly gone to the medical room to patch up Seishi's shoulder wound. After Akira pulled a handgun on them, Seishi took the hit for Ayumu before throwing a knife at Akira's arm and causing him to drop the gun. The bullet was still in Seishi's arm, so Mikoto had to perform a faux-surgery to remove it. Nico then disinfected and patched his wound up, thanks to her knowledge of applying bandages and basic first aid.

Next, the group headed to the kitchen to see what would not rot and feed five people for four days. Thankfully, there seemed to be more than enough thanks to the power generator under the school causing the fridge to run. As a plus, there was also enough ingredients to make something from scratch. With help from Mitsunari, Seishi made pizza for everyone on the first day. Of course, he spiked his slices with painkillers for his shoulder.

Nobody could seem to sleep on their own after the final trial. To solve this, they brought blankets and sheets off everyone's bed (including their dead classmates, their scents still lingered and gave them a comforting memory) and brought them to the library. Monodora was deactivated, so he couldn't punish them for sleeping outside of their rooms (ha hA, MOTHERFU-). In a calm and soothing voice, Nico and Seishi would take turns reading to everyone until they all fell asleep. Every night, someone woke up with nightmares. And every night, they would have their friends to comfort them. The five of them had gotten closer than ever before, putting their differences aside to live through the trauma.


Sleep was only a little better with the medication that the Future Foundation gave them. The branch heads knew exactly what the quintet had gone through, and they made sure to make them feel as safe as possible. In addition, they also redid the cleaning and bandaging of Seishi's wound, but with professionals this time. In exchange for telling them what his organization had done to the killers they train, they dropped most of the charges during his time as a hitman. He still was to stay a few months at the Foundation's headquarters, and his partners had agreed to stay with him until they all could leave.

They didn't want to have separate rooms after what they've been through, but they had to compromise on at least splitting two rooms between them due to the lack of space per bed. Mitsunari and Nico shared a room, and Mikoto, Seishi, and Ayumu got the other. Occasionally, they would swap people to have the chance to snuggle with everybody.

As Ayumu prepared to drift back to sleep, he heard the distinct sound of whimpering coming from beside him. Looking over, he realized that Seishi was having a nightmare. Of course, Seishi was the most prone to nightmares, seeing as he spent most of his life in an unhealthy place. Ayumu quietly shook the novelist, praying that he didn't wake Mikoto.

Seishi's eyes fluttered open, panicked until he saw Ayumu looking back at him. "Hey, it was just a nightmare." The unlucky teen snuggled closer. "I'm here. Mikoto's behind you. You're at the Future Foundation. Everything's alright."

Seishi let out a muffled sob as he held Ayumu tighter. He felt another pair of arms wrap around him, but didn't say a word. Either Mikoto was doing it in her sleep or she didn't want to be noticed. Either way, Seishi finally drifted back to sleep, held by both of his fellow survivors.


Art credit: drrb-fanart on tumblr 

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