#34 - Sewing (Maki Harukawa x Kaito Momota)

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Characters: Maki Harukawa, Kaito Momota

Pairing: Maki Harukawa x Kaito Momota

Time Period: Danganronpa V3, Dangan Salmon Team

Prompt: Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.


Kaito stared at the ripped shirt, thinking on what to do. While he and Maki were training, not Shuichi because he had gone over to Hotel Kumasutra for the night, they had ripped a big hole down the back of Maki's shirt. They had gone back to Maki's room to get her a new shirt, and she was in the bathroom changing her shirt and scrubbing off grass stains while she was at it.

Looking at the hole, Kaito suddenly had an idea. His grandparents had been adamant in trying to teach him to sew so that they wouldn't have to mend all of his clothes when he ripped them. Key word was 'trying'. Searching in his coat pocket, he found the keepsake from his grandparents: a spool of purple thread and a needle.

When Maki left the bathroom, she saw Kaito on her bed, his brow furrowed in concentration. "What are you doing?" She asked, walking over to him.

"Hold on, I'm almost done..." Kaito quickly tied off the thread before biting the loose string off the knot. "And done!" He proclaimed, holding up the shirt to inspect the stitch.

"Give me that." Maki demanded. Turning it around, she saw what Kaito had done while she was gone. Holding together what remained of her shirt were lopsided purple stitches that didn't blend in with her shirt's fabric. The stitches weren't even straight, and Maki could see some holes created from the shirt being bunched up.

Kaito looked at her expectedly with an excited smile on his face, as if he wasn't the shittiest sewer in the world. "So? Do you like it?"

Maki put on her best childcare face and smiled. "Yeah. You did great." She lied. "I love it." Well, maybe that part wasn't a lie...?

"Great! Hey, put it on and we can start training again!" He exclaimed.

"Hell no."


Art credit: vivian-arts on tumblr 

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