Chapter 1

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--No One's Pov--

They are many type of species, Human and Animal's mixed together. Every humans, dumped them.. disgust them, throw them away like nothing. They disgust all the unhuman creatures. They throw them away like thing's. Even though, they are still important.

Every unhuman creature's live poorly, live in the streets. They know that they can harm many people when they are hungry. They ate every human that they found. But they can also eat human food. Even food, they never give them. Even they are pleading, begging to them even in just one bread. They have no power's but just human creatures.

"Such pitiful thing.."

"Ew! Stay away from us!.."

"Tch, disgusting.."

More and more words came out from their pitiful mouths.

"Just please.. One bread"..

"Will you humans..just take care of us even for once?.."

While the unhuman creatures begged for them, to feed them in just one day. But they didn't agree and throw them thing's like they didn't care about it. That's why two Races can't join together in one land, but their's only one Land their in. One city they live, that has life. Everybody thought as always..

'Why is life.. is so cruel..?'

That words came out on every people's mind. Even unhuman creature's that they just need to shed in tear infront of a human, begging for food even just one bread. They gave them food but only half of it, once dirty food. They growl once and attack human.

Only human's didn't know how cruel they are, they just shoot every unhuman creatures they found. Once they sell them and turned into their slaves. The creatures know how cruel they are.

Some little boy walking with an old coat, deadpan expression, he wasn't a human, but unhuman creature, he has cat ears and tail.

His very very dirty and messy everywhere, he don't even have slippers. He hold his stomach.. 'I'm hungry...' he thought himself, he has a sky blue hair and a sky blue crystal orbs. He is very very hungry, he pleaded every neighbors but they just threw him some garbage that he fall down.

'It.. Hurts..'

Tear's starts to pour down to the boy.. he wanted to cry but he just stand up. It start's to snow.. it was getting colder and colder. He saw a boy, crying.. he has a brown hair and Eye's. He tried to spoke as he speak..


With a small voice that make the other little boy jumpscare. This boy infront of him has a very very low presence. This brown hair has a brown cat's ear's and tail.. as well. It was the same to the bluenette. "A-Are you hungry..?" The bluenette asked softly, they are still a child. The little boy with brown hair nodded.

Now that the bluenette think of it, "Will you come with me to give you some food?" The bluenette spoke blankly, they nodded and sneak to the country. They don't know when to start, but in the bluenette's head is the only thing that he will try is..

Steal some food.

The only thing in his mind. The brown hair boy was gonna asked his name.. but he was cut off.. "Wait me here" the bluenette spoke in a whisper. The brown boy looked at his foot that it's full of bruises since he has no slippers and his coat with a hoodie has so many scratch and got ripped a little. He knew this boy is very dirty but it helps the both of them, they need survive if they don't want to die in their life.

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