Deku VS Villain Deku

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A universe where Midoriya finds himself fighting his alternative, polar opposite self (middle of battle). What they don't know is Class 1-A is watching, unable to help however.

"Why can't you understand?! 'Hero' is a stupid cover-up for selfish desires, for wanting attention! That's what you are and were anyways, weren't you?! Someone who just desperately needed attention?!" 

Panting and sliding across the gravel like snow. Sweat trickles down the both of them. Black fighting white, sun fighting moon. But really, they're the same in a way. Both from the same light, the same source. 

"I won't deny it. I did crave for some sort of attention- I wanted someone, anything to just prove that I actually do matter! That I do, indeed, have worth! And I didn't get that for a while; no- for most of my life. But when I finally did get it, you know what? All that waiting was worth it! Because, do you see? That means that it does exist! That overpowers the fact that it might be short. That it might leave one day. That when it leaves, it'll hurt more than before. The truth remains that it was there and that means it will appear once again. It's called HOPE!" Izuku yells, tears welling up in his eyes. "Being a hero is to tell everyone that I am still here, that I'm strong and haven't given up despite everything. It's to try and make less people suffer like I did!"

Villain Deku's eyes widened. He was like that... once. He- he had thought like that once. Both of them... both of them had gone through the same things, they were the same person. So why.... how come he was a villain and Izuku was a hero? What... what went wrong- NO- what was different about his feelings? His thoughts? 

"They... no... everyone- everyone that I'v- we've ever trusted! They've all turned their backs on us in one way or another. So what... what makes you think everyone else won't do the same thing?! There's a reason they betrayed us! What- what makes you want to cling on even though you know it's going to hurt?! Hope is... hope is ridiculous! You're clutching roses filled with thorns just to get a sniff of its scent! And that scent.. it's a trap! A trap for insects and bees to come towards it, and then it only... it only takes the pollen! Takes something away from it! T-that's all trust and friendship is!!! A little bit of joy that masks the true intention and then ends up hurting you!" Tears were flowing furiously out of V!Deku's eyes too and the other 10-ish pairs watching, paralysed with some sort of quirk; the power of tearing universes. 

"But that means we have purpose... to- to work together, sacrificing, trapping, accompanying eachother, it's all for the world... for a better environment! We're all beautiful in our own way, we are all useful, we don't work without one another, do you get it? Hope, that sense of longing is what makes us going! Pain is one excruciating factor in order for this... this harmonious peace....We're a rainbow of colours made up of rain and sun!" Izuku yells, knees buckling underneath him, but the other makes no effort to take that to his advantage and attack. Every metaphor, every phrase, is so filled with melancholy, understanding, desperation and just the overwhelming sense of trauma that it tears the student and Aizawa's hearts- then it bleeds through their eyes as warm, blurring tears, every word echoing in their minds, engraved into memory. 

This is what their class-problem-child hid? All these feelings and thoughts? 

"You're naive-"

"So are you then."

Short, snappy, and stinging. 

"You say that your friends and family are all unique colours..? Well, Izuku, once colours mix together, they're nothing but grey. Tainted, sinning and hating grey."

"The world isn't split in two. It's not just black and white. No one is fully good and no-one is fully bad. We're all different shades of grey. That's what makes us unique and at the same time the same. You and I... it seems we're so different but really we're the same. I understand why you went down this path but what's different between you and me is that you gave up. I didn't and I won't! You think that I'm saying nothing but dreamy-lies don't you? But deep inside.. it's still in there! A part of me that is a part of you, just like how I can see a part of you inside a part of me! Deep inside, you know that what I'm saying hits you deeper than any words can explain!". Izuku slowly gets up and reaches for V!Deku's hand.

All it takes is just for him to accept it. Look him in the eye. And all this will be over. They'll all learn something new and maybe have a different approach. Nothing can change what they've done but they can change. 

Mistakes are how we learn. 

But he doesn't. 

"Grey mixed with grey only makes a darker grey..."

"The spectrum. When all the colours combine, it mixes into white light. Pure white."

"When all the colours are absorbed, it turns black." 

"And what's wrong with being both?"

Two hands connect and the world fades back into orbit. 

881 Words! Very meaningful chapter if I do say so myself! I think there were some rlly good metaphors and symbolism there (I was inspired by my sister playing clay and then these colours turned into grey, then remembered my science lesson about the spectrum, hence the phrasing. The rose thing came at the top of my head lol). Hope you enjoyed and (nearly, so so so very close) Merry Christmas!

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