Heart of an Angel (only my sins shine)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome back to another chapter~

The year is nearly coming to an end! (Finally, if I do say so myself). Which...sadly...means that school will start back up...soon T^T

Which means, I'm not holding back, and am going to write the rest of my 13 chapters before I go on my break! Ha, get ready for as many chapters as I can possibly write!

Anyways, here goes the next chapter. 

AU: If one is deemed an 'angel' by simply being violent, then surely, all Izuku needs to do...is harm right? What could possibly be different between him and Katsuki? 


"Oh, thank you Izuku-kun! What an angel you are!" his pre-school teacher spoke, so proud of her students. 

"Izuku, my little angel..I'm sure you will accomplish so many wonderful things..!" his mother spoke with adorement. 

"Izu-kun, you angel! If only my Katsuki was just like you..." Aunt Mitsuki sighed, ruffling Izuku's curls fondly. 

An angel...they say...

They said so. 

Don't adults never lie? 

"Did you hear? The Midoriya child's quirkless."

"Izuku, perhaps you shouldn't go outside...the kids with quirks are a little rough you know?" you're weak because you're quirkless. 

"Midoriya, I expect better from you than cheating. There is no way an unevolved child can score higher than an evolved one. I hope you re-evaluate your actions." Quirkless. 







Boom "I'm the best!"

Bang "You want a beating?" Thud. 

Crackle, Clang. "You're all below me, all just pebbles in my path to become the very best."

If this was truly something wrong...someone would've stopped me...right? 

"Oh, Katsuki is an angel! He's just passionate...I'm sure he'll lead on to do many amazing things with a quirk like his!" his pre-school teacher spoke, proud of her students, "Hm? Midoriya? Oh, don't worry, the kids are just a little rough with him, that's why he's always hurt..."

"Now, now, don't blame Katsuki! He's going to be a hero...there's no need to be jealous Izuku."

But...he hurt that boy...

He hurt me. 

He broke the rules. 

He stole my lunch money. 

Wasn't using your quirk without a license illegal? 

He harms people...he breaks people down...is that called being an angel? 









I need to prove my worth...prove that I can still be of use...

The only way out is to be an angel right? 


A silence reigned in the room. 

Katsuki's crimson eyes widened, and nothing processed within his mind. 

Izuku lay on the floor, on his knees, on the broken shambles of his future, staring at his hands smothered in blood. Tears ran down his face, but a small, wobbley smile was plastered on his face, more pale than ever. 

The child- one of his own follower's, Katsuki notes- lays by Izuku's feet. 

He has no heartbeat. 

He has no breath. 

He has no warmth. 

"Deku.." Katsuki feels- not hears, he can't hear against the loud thumping of his heartbeat- himsel mutter, but against the dreadful silence, it's a hammer to a thin panel of glass. 

"Kacchan..." the grenette's voice rings, teary at first, before it transitions into a stinging laughter, 

"Am I an angel now..?"


A/N: Damn...I'm sorry for any hearts I crushed this chapter XD! But anyways, hopefully you liked this chapter and Happy New Year in advance! Have a Plus Ultra day/night~! 

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