I see myself in you...

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A/N: Deku is on a patrol when he witnesses an event that hits a little too close to home...

Triggers: Depression, suicide, suicidal tendencies and I may be insensitive to some people so I apologise sincerely, it is not and never will be my intention. Thank you.

It's cold tonight.

The sun illuminates everything in orange as it sets, and a breeze circles the trees and sends shivers down Midoriya's hero suit. Shades of pinks and blues linger in the sky, the pink bordering blood red and the blue almost green at its ends.

The sky is beautiful.

It's also the night a girl stands on the edge of the rooftop.

"Please don't jump... there's hope, I promise there's something worth living for.." Midoriya says gently, taking a step closer towards this girl, this middle-schooler, who looked so shattered and broken, tears rolling down her pale face, as she swings the string of her life over the roof.

"No..there isn't though! P-please... just leave me alone... you're only doing this because you have to anyways right? You were born with the perfect quirk... you wouldn't ever, ever, understand how I'm feeling right now." the girl snapped to the wind, her voice breaking at the wave of emotion overtaking her.

For the sake of being comfort to the girl, Izuku stopped his own tears from rolling down his face. Taking a deep breath, he revealed something he never wanted to think about, but if it was to save this girl... he'd do it.

"I do... I do, I know it's so, so hard. I was quirkless until I was 15, when my quirk suddenly came in. I know what it's like to have everyone hate on you and judge you. To seem like no one cares for you and never will. But I didn't give up, and now I'm living my dream. Please, I promise it'll be better."

At this, the girl froze. In a voice, so small and vulnerable uttered out.

"Quirkless.. you were quirkless.. like me..?"

Everything Izuku had buried inside him for the past year came crashing back out.

Every horrible insult someone had ever told him.

Every bruise and scab he'd ever gotten.

Every rip of the uniform.

Every pull of the hair.

Every piece of gum on his things.

Every spider-lily placed on his desk.

"I lived through it. Maybe... maybe back then I couldn't imagine myself doing so... I," Izuku looked up at the silhouette of the girl, his emerald eyes glistening with unshed tears, "back then, a part of me couldn't imagine myself living past middle school. But I have, and I'm living the impossible! Everyone told me I couldn't do it!" Izuku smiled bittersweetly. After a pause, Midoriya asked her, "What's your name?"


"Hana-san...I'm sure you have dreams, don't you?"

Hana seemed to perk up just the tiniest bit at the question.

"I-I want to... I want to be a vet but..." Hana seemed to turn back to her original state, crumbling as her legs swung over the roof-top.

Back-up was coming, but Izuku really didn't want someone as amazing as Hana to end her life.

"but there are so many other quirks out there that could do the job better, a-and...

Really, what use could I bring anyways?" she whispered the last part.

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