What we once were..

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A/N: I am sooooo sorry for the lack of update on both my stories! Honestly, I don't even know what happened-

I'll try and post a chapter today after this one to make it up-

Anywho, let's start!

AU: Bakugou and Deku's present vs past

Kids happily ran around the aged playground, hands holding a bag of All Might themed biscuits- the one with the hero cards in them. 

Izuku remembered eating those long ago, with Kacchan by his side, euphoria glowing through then as they both held up All Might hero cards. 

Izuku remembered playing heroes with Kacchan after, the blonde always letting Izuku be his side-kick, as they'd 'defeat' the villains together. 

Sighing, Izuku also remembered how the younger Kacchan's rejection after his diagnosis stung more than the burn he received after. 

Sometimes, Izuku wonders if Katsuki even remembers their childhood together, if all the happiness that they had shared was nothing more than a spur-of-a-moment. 

The pack of biscuits in his hands seemed familiar and new at the same time. After the biscuits got overshone by new and more interesting snacks, they stopped making them, and now they were back after so many years. These biscuits was almost like a symbol of how time has caused things to change, to Izuku. 

Once, he was best friends with Kacchan, an unstoppable force, and they'd never dream of leaving eachother. And then he was left with no friends, no quirk, and no use at all. Now...now he was a hero in training, with extraordinary friends, and was a comrade with Kacchan. 

Izuku thinks, sometimes, if he only has those things because of a- his quirk. 

Izuku took a seat on the bench, and eventually placed a biscuit in his mouth. It was crispy, buttery sweet, and tasted so familiar, yet a new shock to the senses all at once. 

If Izuku closed his eyes, the taste almost reminded him of his mother in the kitchen, long from back when he wasn't diagnosed. 

Back when his father actually sent child support. 

Once, his mother had time to care for him in the littlest ways, like reminding him to bring an umbrella, like helping with his homework or letting him help her with baking cookies. 

And then she didn't. More and more of her time was devoted to her job, and the more and more stress she piled up. 

Izuku used to think, sometimes, that if he wasn't alive, his mother would surely have a better life. 

The thought send a shiver down his spine, the thought that he found something good in his death. 

Sometimes, he still thinks so in a single fleeting thought. 

Opening his eyes, Izuku catches sight of the now-rusted, but once shiny, metal swings. 

Once, he had swung on those swings, with someone there to push him forward, someone there to send him up again, after he swung back down. The sky seemed endless, and he was reaching higher, and higher, and higher before falling back down, someone always pushing him higher than the last. 

And then he crashed down, and there was no one there to push him. The momentum decreased and then he was sitting all alone on the swing, slowly creaking back and forward. Tears rolling down his face, scratches and bruises lacing his arms. 

If you'd have asked what was one thing Izuku wanted to change about himself, 10 years ago, he would've said "I wish I could be strong enough to protect everyone!" but he would've thought 'Everything. No one likes a single part of me, and I don't either. There's not a single thing about me worth keeping.'

Izuku thinks, sometimes, that he'll never get the chance to laugh and smile happily without a single care in the world. 

And that chance was cut short, shorter than anyone deserved. 

Tears start welling up in Izuku's eyes, as his thoughts start to spiral. 

'Kacchan has always hated me and always will. I've learnt to swallow down any hope that he would ever change his mind. And then I get a quirk, and after so long, I finally get the chance to be by his side and he's not pushing me down. 

What would I be without a quirk? 

Another statistic of quirkless deaths? 

Another lowly worker barely passing by? 

Another person breathing but not living, just living in a pointless routine? 

Another kid sitting alone on a swing?

What is his worth really? Deku, the hero who could do it, or a kid with a strong quirk? 

"Oi Deku, what the hell?" 

Izuku distantly registered Kacchan talking to him, but his tears were choking him. 

"Oi Deku? Can you hear me?" concern laced Bakugou's face. This wasn't the usual tears Deku usually cried when he was overwhelmed by an emotion. This was a silent, painful cry. 

"Deku, what's up?!" 

Izuku was silent before he blurted out: 

"What we once were. Do you remember? Am I- am I only ever going to be as useless as I've always been?" 



A/N: Thanks for reading! How did this take me 2 hours I don't know, but it's quite short sorry lol-

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