I see the train back to the heart of home ('Leap!' I say)

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A/N: Woo! I'm back with another chapter! This 13-day-Christmas-countdown-challenge was supposed to end...on Christmas...but I- of course- didn't manage to post every day because of school and motivation, so now I'm making up my other 7 chapters before taking a break for the start of 2022! Don't worry though guys, I'll be back with this work <3

Anyways, I totally didn't think of this prompt in a dream a few nights back AHA.

Alright, Merry Christmas and (nearly) Happy New Year my lovely readers, and I hope you guys all prosper in everything you do next year, even with Omicron!


When Izuku opened his eyes, after the bright flashing in front of his eyes had subsided, he saw...light.

There was neither any surface, nor any breath of life, and yet the space did not seem empty, nor lifeless.

Izuku touched the tear of his hero suit, and found that no blood was smeared across his hand; unlike his distinctive memory from his earlier mission.

He was not in any pain, nor discomfort. Yet he did not feel as if he was in comfort, or free of his stiff joints.

The senses of existing and disappearing were simultaneously weaving through his soul, and confused green eyes searched across the ever-changing shades of brightness.

"Deku?" the voice of a young boy spoke, tone calm and curious, innocent and clear.

It was a voice that haunted Izuku's nightmares, one that had previously been tinted with pain and fear, the last time Izuku heard it.

The last time anyone had ever heard it.

"You are...Kei Yuuma...you're the child I- I killed..." the grenette stammered our, tears already beginning to grow as his vision warped.

His slightly puffy beige hair framed a gentle smile, unlike when blood had matted it down, a pained smile having been on his face.

An ocean blue eye, and an amber one now glistened, when before they were dull and half-lidded, debris and ash surrounding them.

A brief silence reigned after Izuku's words had been processed before a small chuckle was heard from Kei. The sound was calming, a bit like wind-chimes, no hint of pain, nor regret, nor anger evident in his voice.

"What are you talking about, Deku? You're a hero! Heroes don't kill people!" the young boy smiled, looking up at the grenette, who was still in tears.

"Yuuma-kun...I left you there...I left you there...I-what I want to say- I'm..I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save you." Midoriya uttered out, falling to his knees; now the perfect height for Kei to put a hand on the older male's shoulder.

"I asked you to. You fulfilled my dying wish, to save my sister before me, and I cannot be more thankful than that." the pale-haired boy spoke, only setting another wave of tears through the hero-in-training.

"Even that...I failed at that similarily. She- Amaya- she didn't...make it..." At that, Yuuma gave Midoriya an understanding smile.

"That I know unfortunately...but you did your very best, Deku-san. The medical team did their best too...it's bad to leave those pains within your heart."

Hearing this, Izuku could only cry all the more harder; if he was stronger, if he was faster, if he was just better, this child could have lived.

A child...one that had dreams, had hopes, had potential...

Because of his failure to save him, all of that was crushed to ashes.

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